It's the only one I can get here. On top of that, they are quite expensive (including shipment, I pay approx. 22 Euro for one; the bulb itself approx. 15 Euro). And on top of that, they are rarely available, so I even can't stock up much or save on shipment as if available, I get only one.
I buy that one:
La Ampolleta Repti Basking Spot Lamp tienen un reflector doble patentado único que enfoca un 35 % más de calor y luz en un haz estrecho. Ideal para usar con reptiles diurnos que se termorregulan tomando el sol, incluidas muchas especies tropicales y desérticas.
(from that store or from other stores in case of them being available, the 100 W, and when you click on the 100 W you see it's currently not available
That's why I will bring some from Europe once I travel next time.
And that's exactly the reason why I don't have more reptiles. I struggle even with getting enough bulbs for my single dragon - with "struggle" I mean finding them. I can afford them and I won't mind buying more expensive bulbs (not that tight on money and I think "quality has its price"), but not available.