

Juvie Member
I guess i got a question about this, as it is comming up to winter here, and its FREEZING outside!

My guy is about 10 months old, well comming up to it.

I guess my question is, is he to young to brumate?
Do i need to do anything to help this along?

I am planning on breeding him in the spring time, as he will be about 14-16 months old depening on how long ill be waiting for.

Low fertility rates in beardies that dont brumate?



New member
Hello, I am relieved that this is why my bearded dragon is sleeping during the day. My bearded dragon (named Yoda) sleeps right next to his log. Also this is out of the topic, but I have compared other people's bearded dragons to mine and my bearded dragon seems darker colored than the other bearded dragons, why is that? My bearded dragon is 1 year old now. This is him


BD.org Sicko
andrewlloyd":dztnslm8 said:
I guess i got a question about this, as it is comming up to winter here, and its FREEZING outside!

My guy is about 10 months old, well comming up to it.

I guess my question is, is he to young to brumate?
Do i need to do anything to help this along?

I am planning on breeding him in the spring time, as he will be about 14-16 months old depening on how long ill be waiting for.

Low fertility rates in beardies that dont brumate?

advice I was given , keep them awake for their first 12 months.


BD.org Sicko
gulum":3i8mdhrt said:
Just wondering what time all our little Down Under Beardies go to sleep.
My little fellas being getting real sleepy :? . Its this darn rainy/cold weather. I want to go to sleep and I'm the one with internal heating :D What about all the others out there?
I'm in Newcastle, Puff and Rex are 3 now, never brumated , except for about 5 days in April when we lost power and it was absolutely freezing inside during the big storm.

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either she really likes me, or shes hungry
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