Brown discharge from mouth


New member
Hello all,
Vader is 13 and a half years old. He has always seemed in good health until this last year. He has started losing a lot of muscle and fat and in the last few months has became alarmingly boney. I attributed this to old age since he still moved around, ate like normal, and behaved aware, and alert. It wasn't til yesterday that I became worried.
I came home to find him in the middle of a poop and seemed to be struggling. I put him in a warm shallow bath to help and gave him some gentle belly rubs. ( helped in the past when he was backed up) A short while later I came in to his enclosure to find him hanging sideways off a log, black bearded, and dripping liquid from his mouth. I didn't think too much of the liquid at first because there wasn't much. The next morning he is still looking rough and almost lifeless and has an alarming amount of brown liquid coming out of his mouth. I have him tilted forward to help him get it out.
Has anybody had or heard of similar situations? Please don't start by asking about his settup. He has been happily and healthily living in it for most of his life and I have confidence in it. Attached is a picture of what the discharge looks like.


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xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Hello all,
Vader is 13 and a half years old. He has always seemed in good health until this last year. He has started losing a lot of muscle and fat and in the last few months has became alarmingly boney. I attributed this to old age since he still moved around, ate like normal, and behaved aware, and alert. It wasn't til yesterday that I became worried.
I came home to find him in the middle of a poop and seemed to be struggling. I put him in a warm shallow bath to help and gave him some gentle belly rubs. ( helped in the past when he was backed up) A short while later I came in to his enclosure to find him hanging sideways off a log, black bearded, and dripping liquid from his mouth. I didn't think too much of the liquid at first because there wasn't much. The next morning he is still looking rough and almost lifeless and has an alarming amount of brown liquid coming out of his mouth. I have him tilted forward to help him get it out.
Has anybody had or heard of similar situations? Please don't start by asking about his settup. He has been happily and healthily living in it for most of his life and I have confidence in it. Attached is a picture of what the discharge looks like.
I'm not an expert but that kind of looks like bile to me. He could be having liver or stomach issues. At 13 years I'm not sure there is much a vet can do, but I'd probably still take him in anyways.
I'm sorry your boy is having issues, but to be 13 say to me that you've given him very good care.


New member
Original Poster
Sad to say. As quickly as this happened it came to an end. Vader passed away today in the early evening. Would have never guessed this could happen yesterday when he was normal. Cherish the time you get.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Sad to say. As quickly as this happened it came to an end. Vader passed away today in the early evening. Would have never guessed this could happen yesterday when he was normal. Cherish the time you get.
I'm so sad to hear this, you truly have my deepest condolences 💔
I know it doesn't help but he lived a long life, that only happens with good care and love. R.I.P. buddy 😔

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh no, I am so sorry to hear about your loss of Vader, it was definitely sudden for him. At age 13, he may
have had liver or kidney issues. They hide illness very well & don't often show illness until it is too late.
My condolences to you,:cry:


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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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happy birthday :)

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