Broly the new super saiyan beardie

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Yesterday marked 10 years with Broly but since he’s at rainbow bridge as we owners call it. I lit up a candle held it near his urn did 1 min of silence and blew it out and said happy birthday dude.

Im over that monsterous cold now I can play with Sam, Dean and Cas. She’s still banshee of the night. She doesn’t want to share out time with her guinea pig brothers (though not out together). I just let her go though Tom was against letting her scream herself out. Im like “she’s fine the breeder also said Cas does this when she doesn’t get her way.” She’s bullying and she knows it. I know some people say “no way a hamster knows what they’re doing” well nobody met Castiel. I let the brothers back in their giant enclosure, walked over to Castiel who actually piped down. She screamed for 15 minutes before realizing nobody was going to do anything with her till she stopped. She now just does her own thing while the boys are out. I let her out after them when Im done vacuuming of course they leave presents everywhere. Castiel is different she has a secure ramp from her cage door down to the floor so she does her own thing but she goes to the bathroom back in her cage then returns to floor time.

1C9FFDB2-23D8-4D1A-B6C0-31F8CC400C49.jpeg Here’s the boys I don’t think I shown any guinea pigs before. This isn’t their cage this was their travel cage from breeder to our home.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Yesterday marked 10 years with Broly but since he’s at rainbow bridge as we owners call it. I lit up a candle held it near his urn did 1 min of silence and blew it out and said happy birthday dude.

Im over that monsterous cold now I can play with Sam, Dean and Cas. She’s still banshee of the night. She doesn’t want to share out time with her guinea pig brothers (though not out together). I just let her go though Tom was against letting her scream herself out. Im like “she’s fine the breeder also said Cas does this when she doesn’t get her way.” She’s bullying and she knows it. I know some people say “no way a hamster knows what they’re doing” well nobody met Castiel. I let the brothers back in their giant enclosure, walked over to Castiel who actually piped down. She screamed for 15 minutes before realizing nobody was going to do anything with her till she stopped. She now just does her own thing while the boys are out. I let her out after them when Im done vacuuming of course they leave presents everywhere. Castiel is different she has a secure ramp from her cage door down to the floor so she does her own thing but she goes to the bathroom back in her cage then returns to floor time.

View attachment 95892 Here’s the boys I don’t think I shown any guinea pigs before. This isn’t their cage this was their travel cage from breeder to our home.
They are cool little guys 🙂

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
We have two different dates to get Bee it will depend if he or his girlfriend is home. So either Feb 2 or 5th will work. I’ll update you all on that if one or the other date will work. It could be another week. The dragons are 1 month old at least. He’s already eating well he’s confident sending off Bumblebee with us. I will also link the new story and ask Tracie to close this one.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
February 5th is the exact date. I’ll probably post on the 6th as it’s bit of a drive but same state. We’ll be grocery shopping for a baby dragon like collards and squash. I have cricket babies and roach babies. I already F10 the tank weeks ago should be nothing infectious if there was you never know. I gotta think of a title as it’s Transformer themed this time instead of Dragon Ball Z where Broly’s name came from. I have (not counting today) 3 days left so there’s some time for a title.


Gray-bearded Member
Sounds like you're all ready, except for the title of your new thread. I'm sure you'll think of something, and I'll look forward to hearing about his arrival at his new home. He's a lucky beardie to be getting you for a "mom."

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
February 5th is the exact date. I’ll probably post on the 6th as it’s bit of a drive but same state. We’ll be grocery shopping for a baby dragon like collards and squash. I have cricket babies and roach babies. I already F10 the tank weeks ago should be nothing infectious if there was you never know. I gotta think of a title as it’s Transformer themed this time instead of Dragon Ball Z where Broly’s name came from. I have (not counting today) 3 days left so there’s some time for a title.
Jazz and Prime were the 1st two that popped into my head 😀 tons of cool names can be had from that series 🙂
I can't wait to meet your new buddy 🙂

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Update: due to the drive we may not go on Wednesday as there is snow coming our way and we had to reschedule to Feb 9 (this is because Tom will work the rest of the week if we can’t go). Anticipating getting Bumblebee is torture LOL. I just can’t wait but it is what it is. Though yes our truck could get out of the driveway however the roads may not be in the best conditions or even shut down. They’ll be happy to hold him for us.

On the bright side Jamie and Kane are awake. Kane has noticed Broly’s tank looking different without him in it. He’s totally confused. He remembers Broly there when he went to sleep. I don’t think he’ll understand if I told him. Jamie doesn’t understand either. They’re like where is he? What have you done with him? Im sure they have many questions like why is his tank dark and look different? Im sure they will understand when they see Bumblebee. Bumblebee will be coming out alone as Kane is an 8 year old dragon and may eat him same with Jamie, she’s 11. Broly and Kane always came out together as they were both too big to bother each other. Kane respected Broly because he was a special needs boy so he never bothered fighting him. When Bee gets bigger I may let Kane out with him SUPERVISED of course. Every interaction was supervised always so of course if any indication of a fight is starting separation immediately happens we do not let it progress to an actual fight. Kane has never been fast when he tried to fight Jamie (adeno negative) he made slow advances and I took her back into her room immediately before anything happens. Kane is a grumpy old man he doesn’t like anyone out unless it was Broly. He may not take to Bumblebee so uh there’s that. We’ll be waiting of course maybe we can go but we did call to tell him and he understood about the road conditions. Oh I have a title for the new thread.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Update: due to the drive we may not go on Wednesday as there is snow coming our way and we had to reschedule to Feb 9 (this is because Tom will work the rest of the week if we can’t go). Anticipating getting Bumblebee is torture LOL. I just can’t wait but it is what it is. Though yes our truck could get out of the driveway however the roads may not be in the best conditions or even shut down. They’ll be happy to hold him for us.

On the bright side Jamie and Kane are awake. Kane has noticed Broly’s tank looking different without him in it. He’s totally confused. He remembers Broly there when he went to sleep. I don’t think he’ll understand if I told him. Jamie doesn’t understand either. They’re like where is he? What have you done with him? Im sure they have many questions like why is his tank dark and look different? Im sure they will understand when they see Bumblebee. Bumblebee will be coming out alone as Kane is an 8 year old dragon and may eat him same with Jamie, she’s 11. Broly and Kane always came out together as they were both too big to bother each other. Kane respected Broly because he was a special needs boy so he never bothered fighting him. When Bee gets bigger I may let Kane out with him SUPERVISED of course. Every interaction was supervised always so of course if any indication of a fight is starting separation immediately happens we do not let it progress to an actual fight. Kane has never been fast when he tried to fight Jamie (adeno negative) he made slow advances and I took her back into her room immediately before anything happens. Kane is a grumpy old man he doesn’t like anyone out unless it was Broly. He may not take to Bumblebee so uh there’s that. We’ll be waiting of course maybe we can go but we did call to tell him and he understood about the road conditions. Oh I have a title for the new thread.
They absolutely grieve over the passing of another. Zen and Chomp were clutch mates and always had line of site. They did very well together when out. When Chomp passed Zen nearly grieved himself to death.
The same with Ruby and Sweet Pea, they were both rescues and formed an incredible bond. When we lost Sweet Pea, Ruby moped around for weeks.
Keep an eye on your guys just in case they need extra attention.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Kane definitely needs more attention as he spent the most time with his brother than Jamie did. Jamie was usually on her own she just knew he was there. She doesn’t seem to be grieving as bad as Kane is. Broly and Kane are not clutchmates but they were close in age. Kane is turning 9 in July. He ate a few roaches it seemed as he didn’t really want to but he did it anyway. Broly and Kane were on a shelf. I remember Broly really disliking the top shelf so I moved him down and Kane went on the top. Kane didn’t mind the top and Broly was happier. I guess we’ll just chill.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Kane definitely needs more attention as he spent the most time with his brother than Jamie did. Jamie was usually on her own she just knew he was there. She doesn’t seem to be grieving as bad as Kane is. Broly and Kane are not clutchmates but they were close in age. Kane is turning 9 in July. He ate a few roaches it seemed as he didn’t really want to but he did it anyway. Broly and Kane were on a shelf. I remember Broly really disliking the top shelf so I moved him down and Kane went on the top. Kane didn’t mind the top and Broly was happier. I guess we’ll just chill.
Common wisdom is that they are solitary and antisocial. I say that's absolutely wrong. People that say that either never kept multiple beardies or didn't pay attention to them.
I hope Kane bounces back pretty quick, it took Zen a little while after Chomp passed. He was never as interested in the other as much after Chomp was gone either.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Ive done this for 20 years almost 21. I definitely keep one beardie per tank. Sure they’re solitary and love their own space but Kane loved Broly. He was upset Broly was so ill before he went into brumation. I think he knew he fought brumation for like 3 days then he went into it. He wasn’t sure if he’d see his brother. Sure enough he didn’t...Idk what his reaction will be with Bumblebee. He may take to him or totally resent him bc nobody is Broly. I don’t expect any beardie to be a replacement or be Broly. Broly is in a pendant and in a urn. So I showed Kane the pendant and he didn’t try eating it. I told him “He couldn’t make it his liver was shot, failing for a while. He’s in here now” I set it down closely watching. I kid you not he took off holding the pendant by the cord and dropped it by the tank he lived in. I nodded and said “ok I see what you want..he’s in this urn too, can this go in there and I have my pendant back?” I placed the urn in the 125 gallon (Bee is goin in the 20 gallon first to not get overwhelmed by a giant 80 gall and 125) I don’t know if he’ll let me use the 125 when Bee is older I may need to buy another tank if Im honest. We’ll see I guess.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Ive done this for 20 years almost 21. I definitely keep one beardie per tank. Sure they’re solitary and love their own space but Kane loved Broly. He was upset Broly was so ill before he went into brumation. I think he knew he fought brumation for like 3 days then he went into it. He wasn’t sure if he’d see his brother. Sure enough he didn’t...Idk what his reaction will be with Bumblebee. He may take to him or totally resent him bc nobody is Broly. I don’t expect any beardie to be a replacement or be Broly. Broly is in a pendant and in a urn. So I showed Kane the pendant and he didn’t try eating it. I told him “He couldn’t make it his liver was shot, failing for a while. He’s in here now” I set it down closely watching. I kid you not he took off holding the pendant by the cord and dropped it by the tank he lived in. I nodded and said “ok I see what you want..he’s in this urn too, can this go in there and I have my pendant back?” I placed the urn in the 125 gallon (Bee is goin in the 20 gallon first to not get overwhelmed by a giant 80 gall and 125) I don’t know if he’ll let me use the 125 when Bee is older I may need to buy another tank if Im honest. We’ll see I guess.
Beardies bond so much stronger than people realize. I wish I could give Kane a hug to.
I think Ruby knew Sweet Pea was in trouble well before we did. The last few weeks before Sweet Pea passed Ruby was a lot more clingy to her. Ruby was disabled and walking was hard for her. The last bit if she was out and Sweet Pea wasn't she would make her way and set in front of her habitat.
I hope Kane takes to Bumblebee but don't rush it. Ruby didn't warm up to Zsa Zsa until just before she passed.
I set up Chomps habitat completely different and Zen never seemed to associate it and Ruby with Chomp. I suspect if you change the decor up Kane will be the same.

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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?
cookie event at my library today, quite fun! Made some bracelets for my comrades too, to give them at church in the morning. Got a busy day tomorrow even though I’m off work… i go back on tuesday so atleast I’ll have 2 days off to rewind….then back to hell lol

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