Broly the new super saiyan beardie

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
We saw a specialist 4 hours away. They didn’t do any surgery they were worried he’d die on the table. He is almost 10 years old after all and the cyst (yes it’s a cyst) is in a high risk spot. So his eye is still the same. It didn’t grow any more than it was when it was first spotted. We’ve been given anti inflammatory beardie safe foods list. The food has been working even if they’re a liquid so it’s easy for him. I blended lots of food together. His weight is holding steady. Im about to get a bath done for him. He stays in it for 10 minutes 1x a week. I’ll do his bath earlier than Saturday next week because we’re leaving for Thanksgiving and of course he’s coming with us. We have a friend for the sleeping dragons and other animals. I won’t leave my service dog home as he wouldn’t like being without me he has a job to do. The liver finally healed I see so many white urates now so that’s good news.
We made it through a cyclone early this week. Washington got more hit than Oregon. We had no power for 5 hours it’s no big deal. I better get this bath done so it’s not held off till tomorrow.


Gray-bearded Member
Glad to hear that it's nothing worse than a cyst. Hopefully the special diet will help. Good news about Broly's liver too. I didn't know that you could tell by the urates.

Happy Thanksgiving. We don't have anything special planned. We used to do the big turkey dinner but lately I don't have the energy anymore.

My husband was worried about his mother because she lives in Washington. He talked with her last night and she's ok. I'd gone to bed early but I can't believe I didn't wake up when they were talking on the phone. I consider myself a light sleeper but maybe I'm wrong about that.

Our weather has been nice lately. It seems that storm that hit the West Coast didn't make it this far north.

My husband is still looking for a job. He's had a number of interviews, but so far he hasn't gotten far enough past that to get hired. One employer did a background check on him (no problem -- his record is clean) so we thought he had a good crack at that one because they usually don't do background checks unless they're really serious about hiring, but they changed their mind at the end. He's gotten notice from a few others as well that they hired someone else, but a few are still pending and he's still looking and turning in applications. He spends a lot of time on each application because he does a special resume' for each one instead of just his generic one. He has 20 years of experience as a professional computer wiz and he's trying really hard so something is bound to turn up eventually. In the meantime, he's planning to take a few classes if he doesn't get hired by the end of the year.

Other than that, things are pretty much same old same old around here, but I still miss Puff sometimes. Funny how attached you can get to a sweet little beardie.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Im not sure you can tell from urates but everyone says white is the color it should be. It was pink tinged the other day I added it up to the strawberry he had. I’ll check the next one.
He’s pretty good last few days, eating on his own. He ate basil on Thanksgiving LOL. He willingly took it but he wasn’t sure of the taste. He dragged his face on the ground I don’t think he liked it. I gave him superworms (this is sparingly not often) to get the taste out of his mouth. It worked but then he ate a second piece of basil. I then gave him a roach because he again dragged his face. He was fine once he got bugs.
I been tong feeding bugs because the cyst made his right eye blind (maybe already was). He bites the bowl instead of the insects. I also hand feed so dropping greens/veggies in front of him make it move for a second so I keep moving it with my finger so he goes for it. It takes a long time but gets the job done or he won’t eat at all.
He ate collards like 5 pieces better than none. He really wants the squash.
Bardiel passed away a week ago and we decided on guinea pigs yes pigs. Unless there is one by itself because it doesn’t get along with others which is rare. We’re picking them as young pigs from a breeder Dec 8th. I had two boy pigs before but from someone who didn’t want them and they were 5 years old then.

Im gonna try to relax because shark week sucks...and no not talking about the discovery channel program lol. Im not ashamed to mention it and plus no details about it. I don’t miss this and I won’t when I don’t have shark week ever again!
Broly’s off to sleep and I should try too.

The special diet works it won’t shrink the cyst though I would love that...but he seems to be eating the food I provide.


Gray-bearded Member
I'm surprised Broly went for a second piece of basil when he didn't like the first one. But I guess the main thing is that he's at least eating something.

We quit feeding Puff superworms after that fiasco with the one that got stuck in his ear and was crawling around in there still alive. I could see it moving through his eardrum and of course I freaked out. It had disappeared by the time we got him to the vet so he must have finally swallowed it. No more superworms after that. Not doing that again. Too bad. Of all the bugs we fed him, they were the easiest to take care of.

I wouldn't mind having some guinea pigs, but I'm sure my husband would be allergic to them too -- anything fuzzy. That's why we were reptile people when we still had pets.

I've been watching Superman and Lois, and the last episode of the series is supposed to be this next week. I like superheroes and the CW network used to have several superhero shows that I watched, but for some reason they decided not to do that anymore, and this is the last one. I don't know what they're hoping to replace it with, but oh well. The only other "TV" (internet) show I watch now is Ghosts, the sitcom about the haunted house. I've been reading fan fiction instead, now that I don't have so many shows to watch.

We had spaghetti for Thanksgiving dinner -- nothing special. I can't believe it's December already and the year is almost over.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
December even closer to ending. I got presents for everyone all wrapped.

Broly’s cyst umm deflated. I can’t say burst because there isn’t anything going on. He’s acting completely normal, eating and basking. I don’t know what else to call it. I know it bursting causes problems almost death like problems, lying there, limp possibly bleeding out the mouth, but nothing happened. He’s just normal.

I went out to get food for us after talking to my mom and hearing dad had to go to the hospital. He’s fine apparently he got an infection from his biopsy. I think he may go home tomorrow or Friday. Anyway, as I was getting food, Tom fed him dinner and as usual a blueberry (though cut up) he didn’t chew it and he was choking! Tom said he saw a piece of collard got lodged into his throat and the blueberry was also caught up in the mix. Tom fished them all out and though Broly was still thrashing around trying to get the rest out. Tom gave some water so he could swallow the rest since it was out of sight it seemed to work because he’s breathing normal acting fine except the super black beard (understandably so he just had a traumatic experience with his food and favorite fruit blueberry). We’re just gonna let him relax tonight and took out the food bowl he won’t eat after what just happened which is fair. Im super grateful Tom was there and took action immediately after seeing Broly in distress like that. Old man eats too darn fast and ended up choking ugh..if it was me I’d be freaking out I don’t know how to fish food out Im not experienced in that. Tom is though because Broly done it before. He just eats too fast. He’s ok though he’s just sleeping. Broly probably won’t eat for a few days if Im being honest. I’ll get food for him every day anyway just in case he might eat slower now.


Gray-bearded Member
Maybe Broly's cyst sprung a slow leak or something. Whatever it was, at least it's gone with no apparent complications. This may be one of those "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" situations. At any rate, I'm glad to hear that you're not having any more problems with it...

The choking, on the other hand -- yeah, I would have freaked out too. Good thing Tom is a vet and that he was there. Broly probably has a sore throat now. That would account for the black beard. I'm sure it will get better soon. Bearded dragons don't seem to be very good at chewing, but I wouldn't be surprised if he lost his taste for blueberries. He would probably do well with something soft when he's ready to eat again. Something that doesn't need too much chewing in case he hasn't learned his lesson. Squash maybe? If he likes it.

I hope your dad will be ok. What was the biopsy for, if you don't mind my asking?

My husband is still looking for a job, and planning to take classes in the meantime. That's what he did last time -- picked up another cert before he found his last job. He has a bunch of them (plus an AA degree in computer tech) but most of them are several years old and need to be updated. The computer field keeps changing. He wants to go for a bachelor degree but if he does he'll be old enough to retire by the time he completes it. He says he wishes he'd had a bachelor's before he got married. He thinks that's why they call it a "bachelor's" degree. But I'm glad we didn't wait. We were already both getting too old and I would have missed that many more years with him.

I'm not planning anything special for Christmas this year. I don't do presents. I don't give them so I don't get them either. Call me Scrooge, but I save myself a lot of stress and I don't have to declare bankruptcy after Christmas is over. If I have anyone over, I tell them I appreciate their presence, but no presents:) I don't hold anything against people who do the presents thing though, so have fun with yours.

Best of all, solstice this weekend. Yay! The days will start getting longer, albeit slowly at first. Sun goes down at around 3:30pm here now and doesn't come back up until after 10am. And way down in the south like sunset all day. But most Alaskans (including me) think the summers are worth the winters. Every hour of daylight must be paid for by an equal hour of darkness, unless you cheat like the arctic terns and fly from pole to pole so it's always summer where you are.

I hope you have a good Christmas, and a Happy New Year, in case we don't "talk" again until after. And here's a good TLDR to tide you over until then, just in case :)

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
unfortunately I come to say Broly had to be put down Friday morning. He lost a lot of weight overnight somehow stopped eating barely responsive and didn’t react to anything. Urates began becoming the darkest shade of blue ever. Blood test revealed liver failure and it was best he goes to the rainbow bridge. He’s being cremated. It’s strange a few months ago he had liver cancer got rid of the tumor and now it started to fail. Who knows maybe it was still slowly failing without being detected and all we saw was the tumor.

We’ll get a new baby in 2025 somewhere I don’t know when but Im not ready to stop the bearded dragon hobby. For now we just carry on with life I got other critters who still need their care. Jamie and Kane will probably be surprised Broly wont be there to see them. It’s fine...I don’t have many pics because I don’t want to disturb anyone with final week/days of his life. I’ll spare everyone the horrors I had to see. Im at peace with his passing I felt it was the right thing to do. Thank you all for joining this journey watching him grow up. Im not sure if there’s anything left to do with this thread. I can keep it open not sure if there’s anything left to say. Maybe document Jamie and Kane they’ll be awake in 2 months lol. Maybe the other critters. Yeah think I’ll do that Broly was the main focus so I’ll shift the focus to everyone else till I decide to close and document the new baby with his own story.


Gray-bearded Member
So sorry to hear that you lost Broly. I know how much you loved him and how you took such good care of him and gave him a wonderful life. I'm glad you're at peace with it and know that you made the right decision. Cancer has a way of coming back, or maybe his liver just never recovered.

I don't blame you for not wanting to post pictures. My husband took a picture of Puff just after he died even though I told him I didn't want to remember Puff that way, but it turned out that you couldn't tell he was dead in the photo. He wasn't moving, of course, but with a snapshot you can't tell that and he looked just the same as when he was alive.

Hard to believe that this thread has covered his whole life, and it was a long life for a beardie too, but it made it obvious all along that you were taking the best care of him that anyone could. If you decide to close this thread and open a new one, I hope there's a way to notify me, so we can keep in touch -- I don't come on this website anymore so I won't notice the new one, but I think there's a way to post a link to a new thread in an old one. This is the last and only thread I'm still following.

Beardies are addictive, but unlike other addictions I don't think it's a harmful one. I'd have gotten another beardie in a heartbeat if I had been confident that I could take care of him myself without dumping all the hard work on my poor husband. I'm glad you're planning to get another one. I think you still have a lot of love to give.

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
There’s a way to post a link to it. I’ll do it when the time comes.

We found a breeder. The dragons are just born so it will be a while till they’re ready to be sold. We want a male. Girls are a bit too much work with layboxes and soil/dirt for egg laying and there could be chances she might have problems laying. I can’t deal with that so boys are a better option for me. Though I have a female now and she’s done lay egging as she’s 11 now, hopefully done. He’s going to be holding a male for us and he doesn’t mind holding it for a while since I need to reset the tank (lights are fine though), just need new logs, a new guinea pig liner because well the last two I had for the old man have stains from stools and didn’t think that was right and some “desert” decor. It’s already been F10 wiped down so the tank is 100% sterile now. I got new liners and we’re almost ready but I’ll do more the closer we get to our date to get Bumblebee (Transformers). Yes we’re going with Bumblebee.
We’re not sure what his colors will be as he’ll go through a few changes before getting him.

I guess it’s good to tell ya how I met Broly unless I did in the beginning of this thread I don’t remember if I did. Im not searching 124 pages if I did.

2015: Alucard died in January of that year due to black and yellow fungus (hoping to never see it again). I go into Petco, I see a dalmation crested gecko. I wanted him I was getting all the supplies. I walk by the bearded dragons enclosure. This male stands on his hind legs pressing against the glass. A girl and her mother (kid couldn’t be more than like 11 years old) go to the enclosure and Broly runs from other people and didn’t let the employee grab him. So the girl and mom leave with a different dragon. I walk by again and he comes out from hiding and again on the glass seeing what I was doing. I end up putting everything back and getting what I needed for him. The employee was able to get him this time. Broly came home and that’s how he was able to leave Petco and come home for 9 1/2 years. It was fun with him. We had our up times when he was younger. We needed down times I guess. So there’s the story of Broly.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
There’s a way to post a link to it. I’ll do it when the time comes.

We found a breeder. The dragons are just born so it will be a while till they’re ready to be sold. We want a male. Girls are a bit too much work with layboxes and soil/dirt for egg laying and there could be chances she might have problems laying. I can’t deal with that so boys are a better option for me. Though I have a female now and she’s done lay egging as she’s 11 now, hopefully done. He’s going to be holding a male for us and he doesn’t mind holding it for a while since I need to reset the tank (lights are fine though), just need new logs, a new guinea pig liner because well the last two I had for the old man have stains from stools and didn’t think that was right and some “desert” decor. It’s already been F10 wiped down so the tank is 100% sterile now. I got new liners and we’re almost ready but I’ll do more the closer we get to our date to get Bumblebee (Transformers). Yes we’re going with Bumblebee.
We’re not sure what his colors will be as he’ll go through a few changes before getting him.

I guess it’s good to tell ya how I met Broly unless I did in the beginning of this thread I don’t remember if I did. Im not searching 124 pages if I did.

2015: Alucard died in January of that year due to black and yellow fungus (hoping to never see it again). I go into Petco, I see a dalmation crested gecko. I wanted him I was getting all the supplies. I walk by the bearded dragons enclosure. This male stands on his hind legs pressing against the glass. A girl and her mother (kid couldn’t be more than like 11 years old) go to the enclosure and Broly runs from other people and didn’t let the employee grab him. So the girl and mom leave with a different dragon. I walk by again and he comes out from hiding and again on the glass seeing what I was doing. I end up putting everything back and getting what I needed for him. The employee was able to get him this time. Broly came home and that’s how he was able to leave Petco and come home for 9 1/2 years. It was fun with him. We had our up times when he was younger. We needed down times I guess. So there’s the story of Broly.
I'm so sad reading these last entries. I've followed this thread for a long time now. Lately I've been a little worried this is what I would see when something new was posted and always relieved when it was just an update. I know from the long history documented here what a good life he had.
I will miss these updates, I hope you document your new hatching the same way. If so, I will be following right along for that story also.
Again my most sincere condolences 😔

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster

Yeah, unfortunately came to what you were worried about. Something was brewing inside of him and it was the liver. It did recover from cancer however the failure was coming back from where it started. It was halted for a bit then the liver just...gave up. I felt it was giving up just slowly. Urates should never be really blue or green.

I caught a really bad cold. I got tested for strep and covid Im all clear. It’s just a nasty cold that has its foot in my backside. Tom now has to play with Castiel in a different room so she doesn’t drive us crazy with wanting out of her cage. I hear guinea pigs squeaking Tom must be letting them out. I hear screaming that must be Castiel nicknamed Banshee of the Night demanding her time. He keeps telling her let the boys have a turn you screaming girl. She has plans apparently. Sheesh she’s like a toddler trying to get her way. What happened was Tom has Sam and Dean out (pigs) and Tom told her no when she bit the cage asking for out time. She was quiet for like an hour and was told no again. Castiel decided for drastic measures if she was told no again. Tom still had the boys out (almost time for them to back in their cage) she starts screaming. The boys got startled so Tom returned them to their enclosure, Jamie wakes up like “what is happening out there?” even the cats (who are in a different room when the prey animals are out by the way) are like “is that the new thing?” I just walk out and yelled “Castiel!!” She stops looks in my direction and goes back to sleeping LOL. Tom looks confused “why did she listen to you?” I said “ we have an understanding she knows she’s in trouble for screaming out of anger just because she doesn’t get her way” I assure you she’s fine not harmed in any way. It’s been like this a week now because I can’t let her out due to catching it. I said “Tom do not let her bully you because if she finds out she can, she will bully until she gets what she wants.”

Here’s Castiel me holding her before I caught the monster.


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xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa

Yeah, unfortunately came to what you were worried about. Something was brewing inside of him and it was the liver. It did recover from cancer however the failure was coming back from where it started. It was halted for a bit then the liver just...gave up. I felt it was giving up just slowly. Urates should never be really blue or green.

I caught a really bad cold. I got tested for strep and covid Im all clear. It’s just a nasty cold that has its foot in my backside. Tom now has to play with Castiel in a different room so she doesn’t drive us crazy with wanting out of her cage. I hear guinea pigs squeaking Tom must be letting them out. I hear screaming that must be Castiel nicknamed Banshee of the Night demanding her time. He keeps telling her let the boys have a turn you screaming girl. She has plans apparently. Sheesh she’s like a toddler trying to get her way. What happened was Tom has Sam and Dean out (pigs) and Tom told her no when she bit the cage asking for out time. She was quiet for like an hour and was told no again. Castiel decided for drastic measures if she was told no again. Tom still had the boys out (almost time for them to back in their cage) she starts screaming. The boys got startled so Tom returned them to their enclosure, Jamie wakes up like “what is happening out there?” even the cats (who are in a different room when the prey animals are out by the way) are like “is that the new thing?” I just walk out and yelled “Castiel!!” She stops looks in my direction and goes back to sleeping LOL. Tom looks confused “why did she listen to you?” I said “ we have an understanding she knows she’s in trouble for screaming out of anger just because she doesn’t get her way” I assure you she’s fine not harmed in any way. It’s been like this a week now because I can’t let her out due to catching it. I said “Tom do not let her bully you because if she finds out she can, she will bully until she gets what she wants.”

Here’s Castiel me holding her before I caught the monster.
Oh she is a cutie pie 🙂
I have to ask, are you a fan of SuperNatural? The name Castiel is why I ask 🙂

BlueDragon09 Addict
Original Poster
Haha yes we are! Named our guinea pigs after the Winchester bros and their angel friend, Castiel which is a scream demon when she’s angry.


Gray-bearded Member
Best wishes for your new beardie. I don't blame you for wanting a male -- as you say, no worries about eggs. I was glad we had a male too. We also wanted an adult because I have heard too many horror stories about trying to raise little ones, but I know that you're already experienced with that. We didn't want to make the same mistake that we made with our snake, getting a little hatchling instead of an adult for our first try. He was lucky he survived our inexperience. We almost lost him, but it turned out he was with us for 15 years.

I know you'll love your new beardie no matter what color he turns out to be. The colors will be a surprise, I guess. And I know you'll take good care of him the way you take care of all your critters.

The guinea pigs sound like a handful, especially Castiel LOL

There is still a lot of nasty stuff going around out there, not just Covid. I hardly ever go out but that doesn't mean my husband can't bring it home. I hope you feel better soon.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Haha yes we are! Named our guinea pigs after the Winchester bros and their angel friend, Castiel which is a scream demon when she’s angry.
I completely missed Sam and Dean lol. That's to cool, love it! 😎 👌

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LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?
cookie event at my library today, quite fun! Made some bracelets for my comrades too, to give them at church in the morning. Got a busy day tomorrow even though I’m off work… i go back on tuesday so atleast I’ll have 2 days off to rewind….then back to hell lol
The head tilt tho! Aaaahhh
LarryTheLizard wrote on SaraJean's profile.
happy birthday :)

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