Brick's thread- no more surgery hopefully!

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We've had our dragons since the beginning of August and Brick has been at my house for about 2 weeks; it's about time His Highness got his own thread! ;)
For those of you who don't know, my fiance and I got Lady and Brick from his mom's friend's son (or something along those lines) who was moving and couldn't keep them. He gave us the vivs and lighting too, which was awesome! Their setups are great (except for the crushed walnut substrate! It didn't cause any problems but I don't want to risk anything so I switched to shelf liner when Brick moved in with me. Lady is still on walnut because my fiance thinks it's fine. :|), and they were well taken care of. So we got two healthy, happy dragons. They didn't have names, but we fixed that. The female is now Lady Fromage, and the male is Captain Brick Bordeaux (fromage is French for "cheese" and Bordeaux is a type of wine. Get it, wine and cheese? I'm a dork I know :p).

About two weeks ago I finally convinced my dad to let one of the lizards live here (Yep, I'm 26 and I still live at my dad's. For now anyway. ;) I do kind of like it though, since it's good food and cheap rent and sane company, plus my younger sisters are here as well). Anyways. My fiance is already quite attached to the sweet, cuddly, sociable Lady; so I got Brick. He's kind of a grump but I love him all the same. And without further ado, pictures!

Coming to my house! I waited til after lights-out and burrito'd him up, and he slept through the whole car ride and moving process. Sorry about the bits of scale and substrate lol-

Showing a bit of (shedding) sexyleg. I feel bad for moving him during a shed though. All that stress! I totally wasn't thinking. :( Luckily he's handling everything like a champ. :)

And a few pics of him exploring (the walls look extra-bright green in these pics! I definitely didn't paint them or choose that color, haha)

And here is my current favorite picture of him. It was his first bath in the bathtub instead of his shallow rubbermaid container, and at first he acted like I was trying to put him in a tank full of sharks! Of course I had to get a picture ;)

He's still going through a bit of relocation stress, but is doing great overall! And now I have to go make dinner. I'll post more if I think of something, thanks for reading! <3 <3


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Huzzah, internet is finally fixed! (I think, lol). My phone and my computer aren't playing nice at the moment, but I'll get pics up once they decide to behave themselves.

Brick's second surgery was on the 5th... bleh. :| The vet only charged me for the bare minimum (and even there he discounted/omitted some of the charges), so it was a bit less than half the cost of the first surgery. Still more than I would have liked to pay, but I didn't complain.
The dragon himself is doing quite well so far, knock on wood! :) Eating and pooping and basking just fine, and seems to be in good spirits too. We had our post-op appointment this morning, and the vet said he's very pleased with how well the tail is healing, and Brick looks great! :) Such a relief. We just finished the first round of Toltrazuril yesterday, and I'll probably do another round in a week just in case. So when we come back in to get the sutures removed from Brick's tail I'll bring a fecal sample. Coccidia sucks!! But at least the Brickster's tank already had the bare minimum of furnishings because of the tail surgeries, I guess. Much easier to sanitize. ;)

No one is completely sure what caused his tail to wither like that in the first place. The vet thinks (and Tracie agrees,) that Brick most likely tail-whipped something and damaged the micro-circulation. So as long as he removed all of the damaged part (which, I'm thinking/hoping he did), we won't need any more surgeries... THANK. GOD. I felt awful putting poor Brick through all that trauma!!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
I feel for both you and Brick, but at least they got all of it this time. Poor baby, to have to go through it all again, hopefully this will do the trick. Enough, right? I'm glad he's healing well and sorry he's still on meds for that nasty Coccidia, I've heard of it a lot, luckily I've never had to deal with it.
Heal well, Brick, glad you're doing so well!


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
R.I.P., long beautiful tail!

And here he is today, pouting because I took him to the vet again lol (And his last shed was kinda weird, plus on top of that Vet#1 peeled off some un-ready shed during the first surgery because she thought it might be constricting circulation. Ouch. Hence the "wrong" darker colors on most of his tail)

morphmom Addict
I'm just glad he's on the path to absolute health. Yes, it was a lovely tail, but there's something about a shorter tail that's very sweet and endearing. Like when all little critters are babies and their proportions are all round. He's just as handsome now as he ever was in my books, maybe even a little cuddlier looking..? :wink:
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