Bred my bettas

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Oh wow those are gorgeous also.
I love seeing them in in a big environment like that. I was at petsmart a little bit ago and was looking at thier display. All of them just looked sad 😥 Just because they can survive in a deli cup doesn't mean they should be kept in one.


Juvie Member
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Well, I have three in cups right now lol

Trying my hand at selling the last males instead of store credit. But they would kill each other in one tank. At least the females hang out in groups and are just as pretty:)
The cup is basically for the breeder to grow him to store size then the store to hopefully sell it quick or care for it until they do and it gets a proper tank. They get regular water changes from me. Cannot say the same for stores :( Which is why the Bettas I'm shooting for will be sold to a well respected wholesaler.

Not for Bettas, but the larger than expected cichlid I adopted got a new tank today. Gonna have a lot of caves and a sand pit for digging :)
He's our Alex of the fish tanks. Starting to get him to hand feed too :)

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Cichlids are gorgeous, but all the ones I've been around were tank wrec.... rearrangers lol


Juvie Member
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This female earned her name today. First one in the sorority to get a name. Also the first to have red in her fins like Mom. But after playing games swimming in and out of the net when I was feeding them, I said she's acting like Loki out dog. That's when it clicked, Sylvie. She's a fish variant lol


Juvie Member
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One goldfish so far coloring up. Moved them into a tank in the kitchen near the pond for better viewing.


Which opens the 30 up for my native sticklebacks.


Juvie Member
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Been awhile since I posted a Betta lol
Pinkies brother, Brain.


Violet is my next breeding female. Petunia was her mother, so keeping with floral names for the maternal line.

Sneak peek of the last spawn.
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Juvie Member
Original Poster
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Stickleback tank addition. I believe they are peamouth chubs. Hoping to grow them up a bit to identify. Not a salmonid or sucker.

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