Blood panel came back good....Wait what???


Hatchling Member
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Thank you but he passed 3 days later. I do have another now and I learned how Shenron got gout. Overfeeding insects at a young age. This is Errtu. He's 16 months.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Errtu looks really good there, great colors there also. It looks like he is happily basking too. I hope he continues to do well for you!



New member
Unfortunately he passed 3 days later. I found out letting them eat as many bugs in 15 mins when juveniles causes gout.
Thank you! I will have a copy of his labs Monday but his Uric acid went from 12 to 5.5 so that's good at least. One thing we've noticed though is no matter how much fluids he drink he always looks dehydrated and it all comes out when he poops. His fat pads have been sunken in for a long time. We were expecting to see bad kidneys but those were fine and calcium to phosphate ratio is go to say he doesn't have mbd if im quoting right. We have the option of the CT scan or to biopsy the mass. Neither are cheap so we are going to try to get a loans for bad credit to do the CT scan. That's what the exotic vet said would be more helpful but the regular vet says it won't tell what anything is. Anyway thanks as always and I'll get those labs posted asap
I am so sorry( :cry: Everything will be ok!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I am glad to hear he is feeling better! You can add some parsley, cilantro, mint & basil to his greens
mix to help rid parasites naturally as well.


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