Blood panel came back good....Wait what???


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Was Swordtail
Also forgot to mention, they think the mass in his throat is an aneurysm, abcess or tumor. The thing is he's still very ill and not getting better. I fear in the next week or so I will have to make the decision before I know what's even wrong. He can barely drag himself anymore. He can't really do anything on his own and I would take care of him this way indefinitely but I fear he's begging to suffer.
Well make sure to spend your last moments together with him snuggling him and telling him how much you will miss him

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Thanks for the vet's notes. It sounds like they are pretty caring there, too.
How is he doing today, any improvements? I am sorry he is having so much trouble.
So they do think he has gout or has had gout symptoms previously? Do they think that
the mass could be related?
Keep us posted on his condition.



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Thanks for the vet's notes. It sounds like they are pretty caring there, too.
How is he doing today, any improvements? I am sorry he is having so much trouble.
So they do think he has gout or has had gout symptoms previously? Do they think that
the mass could be related?
Keep us posted on his condition.

Well he seems to be having some good days. He's still very stiff but not so hesitant to move. Yes he was diagnosed with gout month or so ago. His UA was 12 but now 5 with the Allopurinol and tart cherry. The past couple days I have noticed that the mass is either shrinking or getting lighter in color or both. It's looking like he has mouth rot now too unfortunately. I wonder if it's do to the constant mouth opening but anyway he goes back to the regular vet today for fluids. I'm still confused because his kidneys are fine, he gets plenty fluids even injected at times but his fat pads have been nothing for a long time now. Thanks!

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Man that little guys is a fighter, I'm rooting for him (and you)so hard.


Hatchling Member
Beardie name(s)
Well he seems to be having some good days. He's still very stiff but not so hesitant to move. Yes he was diagnosed with gout month or so ago. His UA was 12 but now 5 with the Allopurinol and tart cherry. The past couple days I have noticed that the mass is either shrinking or getting lighter in color or both. It's looking like he has mouth rot now too unfortunately. I wonder if it's do to the constant mouth opening but anyway he goes back to the regular vet today for fluids. I'm still confused because his kidneys are fine, he gets plenty fluids even injected at times but his fat pads have been nothing for a long time now. Thanks!
Your guy is a little Superhero!

None of it makes sense, but the fact that your guy is hanging on, and making a mess at the Vet, makes me think he will be okay.

Many well wishes and prayers.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

He certainly is a fighter. How is he doing today? Has he eaten today?
I hope the extra fluids will help him out. Please keep us posted on him.



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Your guy is a little Superhero!

None of it makes sense, but the fact that your guy is hanging on, and making a mess at the Vet, makes me think he will be okay.

Many well wishes and prayers.
He went in to the regular vet today. The mass is definitely shrinking and he's more active! Yea its pretty crazy!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Did you already get the biopsy done? The mass has gone down now & he is doing a lot
better? Wow, that is very good news. I'm so happy for him. Is he eating on his own right
now too?
Please keep us updated on his progress.



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Did you already get the biopsy done? The mass has gone down now & he is doing a lot
better? Wow, that is very good news. I'm so happy for him. Is he eating on his own right
now too?
Please keep us updated on his progress.

We have an appointment next week for the biopsy. No he is not eating on his own yet. I'm afraid the only way I will get him to is to not feed him for a day but put food in his bowl. I'm not sure if he's ready yet. Thanks!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Ok good, let us know how the biopsy goes. Just keep trying with getting him to eat. Hopefully he will
show interest soon. You can try syringe or dropper feeding as well so he gets some nutrition.



New member
Thank you! I will have a copy of his labs Monday but his Uric acid went from 12 to 5.5 so that's good at least. One thing we've noticed though is no matter how much fluids he drink he always looks dehydrated and it all comes out when he poops. His fat pads have been sunken in for a long time. We were expecting to see bad kidneys but those were fine and calcium to phosphate ratio is go to say he doesn't have mbd if im quoting right. We have the option of the CT scan or to biopsy the mass. Neither are cheap so we are going to try to get a loan to do the CT scan. That's what the exotic vet said would be more helpful but the regular vet says it won't tell what anything is. Anyway thanks as always and I'll get those labs posted asap
Your story is so sad, what is going on with your pet today?

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