Bloated beardie

AHBD Sicko
Oh I misunderstood, you did say before that he's not a salad fine but then when you asked how many salads I concluded that he was eating some of one and you wondered about putting another in later in the day.

So the one thing to do is not put any type of insect on it, he's just picking them out. You can try kalealong with the other greens , also turnip + mustard but I know that's buying a lot of greens that you'd hate to go to waste. You can use some in soups if you like to make soup. And try offering a leaf to his face, you never know what might trigger him to take a few bites.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Oh I misunderstood, you did say before that he's not a salad fine but then when you asked how many salads I concluded that he was eating some of one and you wondered about putting another in later in the day.

So the one thing to do is not put any type of insect on it, he's just picking them out. You can try kalealong with the other greens , also turnip + mustard but I know that's buying a lot of greens that you'd hate to go to waste. You can use some in soups if you like to make soup. And try offering a leaf to his face, you never know what might trigger him to take a few bites.
Like actually make a soup or blend some up with water lol. He hates syringes. Would i have to force him?

AHBD Sicko
LOL, I really am causing mass confusion here, I'm sorry ! I meant that if you buy a lot of greens and not using them then you can make some vegetable soup that calls for greens or just throw in a handful for any soup you make [ if you like soup.]


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
LOL, I really am causing mass confusion here, I'm sorry ! I meant that if you buy a lot of greens and not using them then you can make some vegetable soup that calls for greens or just throw in a handful for any soup you make [ if you like soup.]
Makes sense lol i might just start making soups. So i just put him on my bed and put out the clover and alfalfa sprouts and he went crazy for those!


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

How is he doing today? As AHBD said, being in a new enclosure will definitely affect them.
Hopefully he will start eating more greens soon as he starts to feel better.
Medications tend to change their appetites & digestion for a little while until everything starts
to clear out of the system. Keep him well hydrated to help out the kidneys.

Keep us posted on his progress.

Hello. I just got a word back from the vet today after dropping off his fecal matter. They he has high levels of giardia and bacteria. They disdt say anything about the pinworms or coccidia this time around. The meds they said i will be giving him start with an M. I cant remember the name. Doing my research on giardia that possibly why hes bloaty. Side effect is gas. Any insight on this would be appreciated as far as if the meds are hard on him. They said it wouldnt bother him much.


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Beardie name(s)
Also. When and how should i clean his enclosure theres so many things and cracks and crevices its gunna be hard to obviously im going to do my best but is there and easy way to go about cleaning it. I have a steamer and cN mix bleach and water. I dont have a quarantine tank so idk about air out times or what not

AHBD Sicko
Was the drug metronidazole ? BTW don't worry too much about being perfect with the cleaning. Just spot clean his poos as best you can and the surrounding areas. And beardies all have a lot of bacteria in their gut so unless the vet wasn't specific then the giardia is probably the only thing out of balance. Xero will probably be fine.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Was the drug metronidazole ? BTW don't worry too much about being perfect with the cleaning. Just spot clean his poos as best you can and the surrounding areas. And beardies all have a lot of bacteria in their gut so unless the vet wasn't specific then the giardia is probably the only thing out of balance. Xero will probably be fine.
🥺. Poor guy. Im doing everything right. Well at least i think i am or doing my best. He’s s also starting to shed so he’s probably super stressed. He only poops on the mat and every time i use wipeout. His enclosure is really clean. Do i have to remove the sand. He only runs through the sand. He doesn’t poop in it. Should steaming it and wiping with wipeout suffice?and baking the removable wood?

AHBD Sicko
You really are talking great care of him ! And contrary to what many people think, shedding is not a difficult or uncomfortable bodily function. Every animal grows, sheds [ fur, skin, scales ] and it's no more than that. Just clean up where he poos and that will be fine, he'll be O.K !

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Is he on just the one medication, Metronidazole, for the giardia/bacteria right? Sometimes the meds
will cause the bloating simply due to the imbalance of the system trying to purge everything out.
It sounds like you are doing just fine with the cleaning, etc for him.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Is he on just the one medication, Metronidazole, for the giardia/bacteria right? Sometimes the meds
will cause the bloating simply due to the imbalance of the system trying to purge everything out.
It sounds like you are doing just fine with the cleaning, etc for him.

Yea hea just on the met atm

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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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cookie event at my library today, quite fun! Made some bracelets for my comrades too, to give them at church in the morning. Got a busy day tomorrow even though I’m off work… i go back on tuesday so atleast I’ll have 2 days off to rewind….then back to hell lol

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