Hello. My beardie Xero 4 months has been bloated or looks bloated for about a week now. I took him to the vet because he looks uncomfortable sometimes. And every now and then he does these gulps or swallow motions. I dont hear any clicking. The vet said he definitely has some gas or air in there and doesnt feel any impaction. So she took a sample of poo. Waiting for the results as of the 12th. She also said that its possible he does the gulp motion to compensate for the gas in his belly pushing up. He does not have mucus he doesnt gasp for air doesnt gape for air. She believes theres no RI and beside the air/gas in his belly he’s perfectly fine. Hes on sand. Yea ik what everyone is gunna say. I have a camera in his enclosure and he does not eat it. I also hand/tweezer feed him. But i will be changing the sand to a black mat just in case. He eats and poops everyday. Some days hes really energetic and some days he just basks. I was wondering if anyones beardie has done or gone through something like this and if so what steps were taken to help him/ her?