black on eyelid

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hello my beardie is in good health and today I took him out he was acting completely normal didn't seem in pain and his eye were wide open but I then noticed some black-brown stuff up on the crease of his eyelids I was worried as maybe it could be some time of scale rot but it looks more like dirt and something that just got stuck I please any ideas on how to get it out as the eye and eyelid and very sensitive and I don't know what to do:( here is a picture and the black u see is just the visible part there is some more that is more like dirt but it is farther up. I am so worried as to how to get it out:( he also just came back from two days of boarding yesterday.
Screen Shot 2021-11-20 at 11.09.48 AM.jpg

AHBD Sicko
It doesn't look like a problem, any crease on a reptiles body can get a little dirt or other substance in it and since it's not actually in the eye it should just work itself out if it actually is a speck of something there. :)


Hatchling Member
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Lead Writer
It doesn't look like a problem, any crease on a reptiles body can get a little dirt or other substance in it and since it's not actually in the eye it should just work itself out if it actually is a speck of something there. :)
Thanks for helping out on this one!

elody edgcomb

Original Poster
It doesn't look like a problem, any crease on a reptiles body can get a little dirt or other substance in it and since it's not actually in the eye it should just work itself out if it actually is a speck of something there. :)
hey umm i look though a magifing glass the other day and they are little black dot and tody i took him out and a little black bug came out i am very concerned and don't know what to do

beardie Sicko
Staff member
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
Do you have a picture of the bug?

beardie Sicko
Staff member
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
Sounds like it could be mites. I would suggest a vet visit and get a treatment for it.

elody edgcomb

Original Poster
ok I saw another thread and they recommend a bath and cotton pads earlier this year he had an eye problem so i still have saline wash i wite try that too and then it its no working i can go to the vet
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