Black and orange beard

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Hi everyone! My family is new to reptiles and I just want to make sure our beardie is happy and comfortable! I've read about black beard and although his beard is not completely black it looks a bit black with some orange in it also.. is this normal?


New member
Hi everyone! My family is new to reptiles and I just want to make sure our beardie is happy and comfortable! I've read about black beard and although his beard is not completely black it looks a bit black with some orange in it also.. is this normal?
View attachment 67196
The black on there neck is all about mood, if they get black and puff up they aren’t in the best mood. But it’s completely normal so don’t worry! He looks like my baby!

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hi everyone! My family is new to reptiles and I just want to make sure our beardie is happy and comfortable! I've read about black beard and although his beard is not completely black it looks a bit black with some orange in it also.. is this normal?
View attachment 67196
Hes fine looks like some coloring w/ some possible shed coming on ---- you will know when he has a black beard they will go jet black when in distress / pain or mating --

AHBD Sicko
I agree your beardie looks fine, that doesn't actually qualify as a black beard. Both males + females can get a black beard for the reasons already mentioned [ males getting much darker and sometimes extending to the chest ] but a very slight shade of grey is normal or can be present when shedding. Beards can be a slight tint to a very bright solid yellow, orange or red. Do you know for sure what sex your dragon is ?
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