So I have a male beardie a little over a year old, I just moved home from the beach a week ago and nothing changed in his cage when we came home same setup, I have a 40 gallon breeder in the 70's on the cool side and the basking spot is 105. Before I left the beach like a month ago all he did was sleep unless I took him out of his cave, but then he would go to bed early and not come out forever, I cleaned his cage really well took up all the tile let him roam in the bathtub for a while and he seemed normal after that. Now that I am home all he does all day long is run from the basking spot to the cool side and run on the glass and then run to the basking spot which has a Light fixture about it with the uvb fluorescent and the basking bulb which has metal mesh screen and he runs onto his basking rock looks up and jumps head first into the screen then smacks his nose and then jumps again but hangs on and then lets go and he repeats this several times he has done more of the jumping into the lights today more then ever thats why I am writing, I am currently building him a 4 by 2 by 2 cage hopefully this will solve the problem but it wont be done for at least a week. He has past history of running on the glass but not this much and when he gets to running around like this i usually take him out and put him in the bathtub I have tried with and with out water but he just sits there, its almost like i need a hamster wheel. Any suggestions or information anything will be helpful for me to better understand.