Best light


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These r my tank holes


Hatchling Member
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Okay if i put it in my tank its to close from what i gather it needs to be a certain distance away from him? If it’s about 6-7 at most away from his baskin spot

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
Okay if i put it in my tank its to close from what i gather it needs to be a certain distance away from him? If it’s about 6-7 at most away from his baskin spot
For a T5 top of screen 8-10 inches but I would put it at 8 -- adjust the decor piece its going to be easier


Hatchling Member
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I looked its about 1mm thick ( i took out a tape)
The holes are good - it's the thickness I am concerned about- you can try putting on top your distance should be 8-10 inches I would go w/ 8---- watch his behavior
i took out a tape its about 1 mm thick at most

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
As long as its keeping temps to what you need the bulb is fine --- quality may not be there as I have heard they blow out pretty fast -- you can always get Flukers basking bulb or Arcadia Halogen as well - you dont want any daytime bulbs they have a coating on them that is harmful to the eyes -- no yellowish or off white bulbs it needs to be a clear bright white bulb


Hatchling Member
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I heard that colour bulbs are bad so i try to get clear ones my next bulb ill grab one of those it keeps the basking 105-110 but the warm side is like 85 instead of 90 but if i go a 150watt it bring the basking spot to dangously high so idk how to boost the warm side up abit


Hatchling Member
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As long as its keeping temps to what you need the bulb is fine --- quality may not be there as I have heard they blow out pretty fast -- you can always get Flukers basking bulb or Arcadia Halogen as well - you dont want any daytime bulbs they have a coating on them that is harmful to the eyes -- no yellowish or off white bulbs it needs to be a clear bright white bulb
When u say halogen u mean the flud light ones right?
As long as its keeping temps to what you need the bulb is fine --- quality may not be there as I have heard they blow out pretty fast -- you can always get Flukers basking bulb or Arcadia Halogen as well - you dont want any daytime bulbs they have a coating on them that is harmful to the eyes -- no yellowish or off white bulbs it needs to be a clear bright white bulb
when you say halogen you mean the flud lights right?
None of the pet stores in my city sell the flukers basking bulb only one i saw was a blue one and that was it

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
When u say halogen u mean the flud light ones right?

when you say halogen you mean the flud lights right?
None of the pet stores in my city sell the flukers basking bulb only one i saw was a blue one and that was it
No colored - the bulbs are cheaper on line- - I always keep extra bulbs

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