Hi! I already own a baby beardie but I am planing on getting a leopard gecko from a reptile expo (can't adopt due to no reptile rescues/adoptions
Can someone tell me the basic care needs for them? I already know most things, I just need to make sure my information is correct because the Internet loves to lie.
Here are things that I already know:
Leopard geckos are strictly insectivores
Needs UVB
Needs UTH
Doesn't climb
Is solitary
Aren't as cuddly as bearded dragons but are docile once they warm up to you
They're nocturnal
They can drop their tails
Adult/juvi leopard geckos should be housed in a 15-20Gal enclosure
Needs three hides (one moist, one cold, one hot
No loose substrate
Can someone tell me the basic care needs for them? I already know most things, I just need to make sure my information is correct because the Internet loves to lie.
Here are things that I already know:
Leopard geckos are strictly insectivores
Needs UVB
Needs UTH
Doesn't climb
Is solitary
Aren't as cuddly as bearded dragons but are docile once they warm up to you
They're nocturnal
They can drop their tails
Adult/juvi leopard geckos should be housed in a 15-20Gal enclosure
Needs three hides (one moist, one cold, one hot
No loose substrate