Before getting a leopard gecko

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Hatchling Member
Hi! I already own a baby beardie but I am planing on getting a leopard gecko from a reptile expo (can't adopt due to no reptile rescues/adoptions

Can someone tell me the basic care needs for them? I already know most things, I just need to make sure my information is correct because the Internet loves to lie.

Here are things that I already know:

Leopard geckos are strictly insectivores

Needs UVB

Needs UTH

Doesn't climb

Is solitary

Aren't as cuddly as bearded dragons but are docile once they warm up to you


They're nocturnal

They can drop their tails

Adult/juvi leopard geckos should be housed in a 15-20Gal enclosure

Needs three hides (one moist, one cold, one hot

No loose substrate


Hatchling Member
They don’t need uvb and they like to climb. You can get by with 2 hides (cool and moist together) but I use 3. UTH is good. You can feed insects every other day. Keep a water bowl in the tank along with a 3:1 calcium to multivitamin bowl. What are your specific questions?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
QuinnF":2z2obfim said:
They don’t need uvb and they like to climb. You can get by with 2 hides (cool and moist together) but I use 3. UTH is good. You can feed insects every other day. Keep a water bowl in the tank along with a 3:1 calcium to multivitamin bowl. What are your specific questions?

This post is quite old (not really) and I'm no longer getting a Leo since I have a Mexican red knee turantula now :) thank you though! Ill tell my friend who wants a leopard gecko this info.


Gray-bearded Member
Beardie name(s)
Daisy, Loki, Rocket, Phoenix, Mulder & Scully. Non beardie pets: Stan (Leo) Cayde (Hognose) Tillery (cat)
QuinnF":224jilsu said:
They don’t need uvb
Actually, If it is not on for too long the Gecko can actually benefit from the UVB. It Would be a bit safer to at least offer some UVB. I recommend a Arcadia tube bulb for them. IMO the UVB is a bit essential.

Just my 2¢. :)
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