Beardies and Cancer

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Juvie Member
I just lost my precious girl Popcorn today. She had been diagnosed with cancer. A big tumor growing in her mouth that popped up really quick and really aggressively. We tried a round of medicine from the vet and I was going to take her back this upcoming friday but she expired today.

Has a anyone on this forum had a cancer or lump issue with a bearded? I would like to learn more. If you wish to read about Popcorn, I put a memorial for her in the beardie memorial section.

Tatty :cry:

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Tatty, I am so sorry to hear that Popcorn has passed :( That is too bad that the cancer was so aggressive and untreatable. I have had no experience with cancer and beardies, but just wanted to offer my condolences.
I will go and read her memorial now.
Hugs to you!
Rest in Peace Popcorn


Hatchling Member
Tatty, Sorry to hear of Popcorn's passing. I know what you are going through. My last beardie Gizmo was doing fine or so I thought. I teach and he was home with my last summer and then toward the end of August(2009) he was black bearding so I took him to the vet on a Wednesday afternoon. They did blood work and a culture of his mouth (it was a little red). The vet called me on friday his blood work came back off the chart that they thought he was a girl with peritonitis from egg binding. She wanted to see him asap, so I went home afterschool to get him I found him dragging his right arm and a big lump in his arm pit. I rushed him right to the vet and they x-rayed him he had a massive tumor that was pushing on his ribs and interfering with the use of his arm. It was not there the night before, it was an agressive cancer and we decided that it was best to put him down. I cried for 3 hours in the vets office. I know he is in a better place but it was still hard. Since then I have gotten another beardie Puffnstuff but I will always think of Gizmo.

Popcorn will always have a special place in your heart. :)


Sub-Adult Member
I have no experience with beardies with cancer but I wanted to say I am sorry about Popcorn's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

OH I am so sorry to hear of your loss of Popcorn like that. :cry: It is never easy to lose them to cancer or anything else.
Unfortunately, reptiles do get cancer just like humans & mammals. It can sometimes be attributed to external or environmental stimuli.
I am quite sure that it was nothing at all that you caused.
WE are all here whenever you want to talk.


beardie parents Sicko
Tatty, I posted on another thread about this, but I just wanted to say, again, I'm sorry. The closest I've been to cancer in beardies is a local friend we met through a man who works at the college I work at, anyway, she lost the first female she had. The vet she took her to did a quick necropsy and said she had a mass. This cropped up soo fast she got sick than was gone within a few days.


Juvie Member
I am so sorry to hear you lost Popcorn. I have only had my beardie for 4 months and can't imagine life with out her. Cancer is a horrible way to lose a loved one. My heart goes out to you.



Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thanks Everyone! I am feeling better but last week was depressing. I still have my precious Rudy, Spike, Cooper, and Tatty. Popcorn was my "special girl" and my "big girl" , however. She met a lot of people at reptile shows and show and tells and helped a lot of people to overcome their fear of reptiles.

Tatty :)
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