Hatchling Member
so i bought my first beardie yesterday a lil guy about 6 inches, and i put him in his kingdom (40 gall breeder) i have a flukers medium iguana branch that goes to this like tree thing thats in the shape of a y. the highest point of the branch is about 6 inches from the screen top, which lies my 5.5" fixture with a 75 watt zoo med reptibasking spot lamp.. and in the middle i have the deep dome with the repti sun 10.0 compact flourescent... i check the basking spot with my temp gun often to see the temp rise, i havent gotten it to a 100 so far, its at 84 and i turned it on an hour ago.. do i need a stronger bulb? maybe 100 watt to get the correct basking spot? he doesnt seem to sit under the basking light, but goes offset to the right of it on the branch? and he hasnt ate a cricket or veg yet? maybe since its a new environment??