I have a bearded dragon who is 3 years old. I noticed over the past few months that she had been not moving as much, sleeping all the time, and having a loss in appetite, so I had been giving reptiboost a couple times a week (because she lives at my dad's house and I spend a lot of my time at my mom's house) but she just got worse and so she was brought to my mom's house so I could try to nurse her back to health. After doing lots of research, I found that her symptoms matched MBD (metabolic bone disorder) almost exactly. So I did more research (with the help of some family) and got her some supplements and proper UVB lighting. She is now being fed Reptiboost once or twice a day (usually twice), Repashy's beardie buffet, calcium powder that I either put in the reptiboost mixture or just mix it with some water, and a few different veggies and fruits. I give her around 6-9 ml of water a day. (All the food and water has to be hand-fed because she won't eat or drink enough on her own) I also make she gets a soak once a day for around 15-30 minutes. I called a vet place a week ago when she was brought over and was directed to another person who told me the proper lighting and to try some plain beef or chicken baby food and to soak her often. I couldn't find any beef or chicken baby food that didn't have added vegetables or spices, but eventually was able to get some and she was fed just a tiny bit of that tonight. The past few days, she has thrown up a couple times and I think I may have fed her too much at once or maybe she is dehydrated still, and she has also been randomly paling at the top of her head and tail. We thought that maybe she was too hot, but it happened even when it was cold. The only pattern I noticed was that when she called I had fed her 5-10 minutes before. Thankfully, she's been popping everyday so there are so problems there, but her poop has been a bit watery so I don't know if that is to be of concern. I am just looking for any advice for her because I don't even really know how much I should be giving her of what even after talking to an exotic animal place, if I'm giving her too much or too little water, and the reason behind the paling (and if I should even be that concerned about it). This past week has really been a balancing act with regular her temperature and food and water intake. She seemed to be getting better after a few days, but recently her improvement has plateaued and with her throwing up and paling I just don't think I'm giving her the proper care. Research online only gets me so far and everything is telling me to take her to the vet, but I don't have the option to get her a vet appointment, so I really need advice for at home care.