Beardie with Intention Tremors. CBD seems to work??


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
claudiusx":bkfxxq1a said:
Any updates for us? Did you start round 2 yet?
Hope hes been doing well :)


Hey Brandon!
I have not started round #2. I've had lots of IRL stuff happening and been very busy, sorry about that! I've been at my sisters a lot this summer to help her out and she is selling/moving so there's been lots of prepping going on inside the house. It will probably be this way off and on for the next month or so but I will still try to keep you posted with updates.

I had to move him to a new location in a temporary enclosure for the time being because the house was being painted inside. Now the temperature inside the house isn't controlled by central air anymore and his temps have been harder to control with weather changes + the temporary setup. The tremors fluctuate from day to day. He's gone a few days with no tremors witnessed but then I notice them mildly again a day later. However, I have so much going on I haven't been able to monitor him like I was before and only been checking on him from time to time (Mostly his temps). Once things settle down with IRL stuff, I'll be able to pay more attention to detail again and start another round. I may start another treatment on the 26th I'm thinking. Fumes will be gone and we will be back in central air by then.

His head tremors have only come back 50% in the last 11 days. They seem to have plateaued on the 5-6th day post treatment and aren't getting any worse. Some days I see no tremors at all! It looks like his last treatment erased over a years worth of regression. I don't know if that is true though, I'm skeptical still. Thanks for checking in on him!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is some good news though, he has definitely had a positive response to the CBD
oil though. At least he has had far less tremor issues than before. Does he seem to be
feeling good also & is active too?
Good luck with organizing for moving your sister, that is so time consuming! Definitely
keep us posted on the 2nd round.



Gray-bearded Member
Late to the party.

Since you (seem to) have a vet who's open-minded to this, if it were me, I'd work out dosing & testing schedules with her/him. They're trained in a more (can't think of the word I'm thinking of... :banghead: ) scientific (will do for now) method, rather than shotgunning.

Alternatively, you might contact one of the veterinary colleges that's engaging in this kind of research.
Some interesting looking links come up googling reptile veterinary research

YMMV. Best Wishes


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Hey guys, I haven't started Malachi's next round yet. Been very busy with my nieces, the new school year and helping my sister sell her house and getting things moving. Malachi's tremors have come back probably 75% roughly. I'm still waiting to see the full on head wobble he does at it's worst. He's still eating his bugs on his own but no luck on greens.

Drache613":180n1v7m said:

That is some good news though, he has definitely had a positive response to the CBD
oil though. At least he has had far less tremor issues than before. Does he seem to be
feeling good also & is active too?
Good luck with organizing for moving your sister, that is so time consuming! Definitely
keep us posted on the 2nd round.


Hey Tracie! :mrgreen: To answer your question about his activity level and behavior, I'd say yes. He seems comfortable and normal. He is more active when he's been treated with the CBD oil. When he's out of his enclosure he likes to explore more and has no problem trying to jump off the bed to run around on the floor with his tail curled up lol makes me nervous every time. :silent: He normally just wants to go to the highest peak of the blankets or snuggle into me for a nap.

claudiusx":180n1v7m said:
Thanks for the update! That is good that the tremors seem less consistent! :D


Of course Brandon! Don't be afraid to poke me for an update if it's been a while. My head is a little spacey these days. :)

MrSpectrum":180n1v7m said:
Late to the party.

Since you (seem to) have a vet who's open-minded to this, if it were me, I'd work out dosing & testing schedules with her/him. They're trained in a more (can't think of the word I'm thinking of... :banghead: ) scientific (will do for now) method, rather than shotgunning.

Alternatively, you might contact one of the veterinary colleges that's engaging in this kind of research.
Some interesting looking links come up googling reptile veterinary research

YMMV. Best Wishes

Thank you for the suggestions MrSpectrum! I have not taken Malachi to the vet since earlier this year where I was told that there wasn't anything they could do for him. When it started affecting his health and quality of life, euthanasia would need to be considered. It's sad to even think about. :( He's overall healthy minus the tremors. It's been a long ongoing thing that has stopped him from eating on his own. He still has the will to try and take bites of food every now and again but when he misses more than 1-2x he gives up. I have had to hand feed him for a long time. It sucks because there are times I can't dedicate as much time to his feedings as I would like to. I've tried to change that by encouraging him to eat on his own using many different methods so he could take care of himself in my absence and eat. CBD is the last resort.

I'll be taking him back to the vets to have more labs done after his next treatment to test his liver function. I will discuss it all with him when that time comes.

I'm open to any related research material you may find if you happen to have an interest in it as well. If not, that's fine. I'm honestly pretty mentally fatigued to sort through anything myself at the moment but when I've regained myself I'll take a looksies. Thank you!

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
MissCutiePatootie":1ntceurt said:
Of course Brandon! Don't be afraid to poke me for an update if it's been a while. My head is a little spacey these days.

Ahem *clears throat* :study:



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
claudiusx":3nj8k575 said:
MissCutiePatootie":3nj8k575 said:
Of course Brandon! Don't be afraid to poke me for an update if it's been a while. My head is a little spacey these days.

Ahem *clears throat* :study:


Hey Brandon, thanks for the poke lol

My boyfriend is here from Australia for a month so I have been very busy! First time visiting America! I have not dosed Malachi again since the last post about it. His tremors also have not come back 100% since the very start but they are definitely still present. His head doesn't wobble like it used to, only just what looks like shivers here and there. It is an undeniable improvement with the use of CBD oil at a lowest strength I could get! It does not take much at all. Hopefully next time they will go away permanently! x]



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
So sorry it's been so long since I've updated you on Malachi!

There has been a lot of changes in my life the past year or so. Malachi is doing good still, not much has changed. I still have to feed him by hand and he still has intention tremors. I stopped giving him CBD when I'm unable to be around consistently to watch over him. I'm currently in Australia with my husband. My mother has been taking care of him for me in the meantime. I don't know when I'll be getting back home. Right now there are some crazy wildfires happening and due to the coronavirus I was unable to keep my original flight earlier this year to get home. When I'm back home though I'll resume therapeutic use of CBD for his intention tremors.


New member
Hi everyone, I'm new here. I've only owned a bearded dragon for 2 months. At first I was just a fan of the T-shirts with the image of dragons on them. But now I've taken the plunge and I'm really happy about it. I think I'll find all the information I need to take good care of him here. According to some friends, the treatment at the CBD is effective for intention tremors. :D


New member
Giving the fact that a year has passed since your initial post, I would like to get an update on how does your boy Malachi feels right now? I hope he is ok. I've never heard about beardies having head tremors before. There is a possibility that it could come from the translucent gene, indeed, but I suppose only a veterinarian could diagnose it properly. CBD oil is said to help a lot in these cases, but I also used kratom which I bought from kratom vendors across the street for my dog, and It helped him too. I wish you and your beardie all the best!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
VirginiaWH":3u58cjtv said:
Giving the fact that a year has passed since your initial post, I would like to get an update on how does your boy Malachi feels right now? I hope he is ok. I've never heard about beardies having head tremors before. There is a possibility that it could come from the translucent gene, indeed, but I suppose only a veterinarian could diagnose it properly. CBD oil is said to help a lot in these cases, but I also used kratom which I bought from kratom vendors across the street for my dog, and It helped him too. I wish you and your beardie all the best!

Thanks V. He's ill at the moment. I've made other posts about what's going on outside this one to not mix subjects too much. When he recovers back to normal I will be resuming treatment with CBD oil.

nicobarbu":3u58cjtv said:
Hi everyone, I'm new here. I've only owned a bearded dragon for 2 months. At first I was just a fan of the T-shirts with the image of dragons on them. But now I've taken the plunge and I'm really happy about it. I think I'll find all the information I need to take good care of him here. According to some friends, the treatment at the CBD is effective for intention tremors. :D

Glad to see you here!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster

Hey guys! Now that Malachi is eating his bugs, I am considering starting up CBD treatment again. It looks like before I started with .1mL and then moved to .2mL but I think I'll start with .1mL for his second round to see how long it takes for his tremors to disappear. After watching his old video on his tremors, I would definitely say they are much worse than before and that is expected with what he has been through.

The biggest thing that I'm unsure of is how it will affect his liver. The vet did detect abnormalities on his liver, but I cannot afford to have a liver sample pulled for more information than that. If anyone is behind on his case, they can read his recent post here. viewtopic.php?f=6&t=257775

Also for his labs, the vet and I both agree that it would be counterproductive to cause stress on him by having lab work done when he's eating again and improving. We want to work on it being a strong habit for him to eat on his own and if he stops or it's necessary then we will do labs later.

Please understand, Malachi has not eaten on his own in years so it's a really huge deal that we aren't giving him stress that could cause him to stop.

Malachi is eating crickets, mealworms and BSFL (although I haven't witnessed him eat the BSFL yet).
He has been eating them everyday the last 5 days.
I have only assist fed him his greens 2x during this mostly to keep his gut nice and moist since these bugs are new to him now and I want to avoid him becoming constipated or uncomfortable.
I'm aware that having a bug heavy diet is not good for them.
I also don't want to overdo it and then he lose interest.
I'm trying my best to make this habit forming and keeping him hungry.
So each day (minus the first day because I was excited) he has only been getting 3 crickets, 5 mealworms (he likes the mealworms best) and 5 BSFL (BSFL only since yesterday). He is also receiving his usual supplements in the morning which include liquid calcium and liquid serrapeptase.

If anyone wants to share relevant information on CBD, it is SO welcomed! I have done my own research on it far as my brain can go but I'm always interested in more information. Even if it may seem repetitive, I appreciate different POVs. I'm planning to start giving CBD again on Monday just to give myself more time to research and hear what others think and also see how he does with his food until then.

I've finally been able to prep his veggies and store them vacuum sealed. I have about a weeks worth prepared for him that I'll be offering every day. So far the first salad I gave him he ran over to and pooped straight into the bowl... Lovely. At least we know what he thinks of his salads! Lol

His salads consist of:
Baby Kale
Dinosaur Kale
Grated Yucca Root (skin removed)

I also have some cranberries, squash and a chayote for him to liven it up later.

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