Beardie Vacuuming

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i was putting Houdini in his tub for eating, and he wouldn't take his back legs off of my hand. so he was in the position of a vacuum, so i pretended like i was vacuuming with him and he ate the crickets that way! he picked up more crickets than my actual vacuum would have! i'll have to get a picture next time. i was so surprised i didn't even think of a picture. LOL :lol:

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator

Too bad you didn't get a pic of that. Imagine the blackmailing you could've done with it


Hatchling Member
The mental image alone is priceless!

I really hope he does it again so we can see pics! Or better yet VIDEO!



Juvie Member
Original Poster
AHHH!!!! He did it again today, but my girlfriend wasn't home to video it! Next update will be with either a picture, or video! :blob8: :blob5:


Hatchling Member
Wow! I actually laughed out loud when I read this, I'm at work so that's bad! Gotta get picks! That's the funniest beardie tale I've read in a while! :laughhard: :laughing6:


Juvie Member
O M G! Too funny. I'd love to see a pic or video too....I've heard of stranger things to get your beardie to eat, but this one takes the cake!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I finally got a picture. Not the best quality, but it works. He actually loves this. I have to di the vacuum thing quite often now. Sooo lazy.


Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
:laughhard: That's too much!
Reminds me of a childhood game I used to play, called the "wheelbarrell".


Hatchling Member
Beardie Vacuum is the CUTEST! Now your next challenge is... VIDEO!



Juvie Member
o m g! that is hysterical. they are quite the characters, aren't they? and they each have their own quirks....


Juvie Member
Original Poster
i will get it on video some day soon. i just got a new video camera, so i need to figure it out. glad you all enjoy the picures! :blob5: :blob8:
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