Beardie tail stiff??


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Hey guys! I have a baby bearded dragon and I've been noticing his tail being stuck up a little. I watched him go to the bathroom not too long ago so I don't think it's that. When I held him I couldn't keep his tail down. He has also not been wanting to bask as often. Could it be he is about to shed? Do I need to take him to a vet? Please help 🙏


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xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I just bought it, do I hang it above his enclosure or let it sit on the metal lid.vif I have to hang it, how far above the enclosure?
The screen blocks a huge portion of the uvb. Its better mounted under the screen if possible. If it isn't possible set it directly on the screen and give your beardie the ability to get within 8 inches of it. If you went with a t8 bulb your beardie needs to be able to get within 6 inches of it. If it's under the screen 8 to 10 inches is fine.


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The screen blocks a huge portion of the uvb. Its better mounted under the screen if possible. If it isn't possible set it directly on the screen and give your beardie the ability to get within 8 inches of it. If you went with a t8 bulb your beardie needs to be able to get within 6 inches of it. If it's under the screen 8 to 10 inches is fine.
Is it supposed to have a blueish tint to it?, if you are able could you send me a picture of your enclosure?


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xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
This is 2 of mine


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You did purchase a tube UVB, correct? It shouldn't be a bluish hue, but instead a nice white color.
How is your dragon doing?

Yes I did! I just put it on him a little last night when I got home from work but he had already gone to bed so I didn't really see a difference. I have it on him all day today with his basking light as well so we'll see how he is when I get home tonight.

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