Beardie routine?

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Hi! I've been looking into getting a Beardie for about a year now. Im in highschool and own a Leopard gecko, so I have some reptile experience. However Leos don't take any time out of your day since my little guy is active only at dusk. I know Beardies need more daytime attention so I was wondering what everyones routines are like with your bearded dragons? I wake up at 6:30 every morning for school and leave for the bus at 7:10. Do they need to be handled etc in the morning or is the afternoon okay? I wont be getting a Beardie for a little while still, as I want to get a better job and feel more prepared. Thanks!

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hi! I've been looking into getting a Beardie for about a year now. Im in highschool and own a Leopard gecko, so I have some reptile experience. However Leos don't take any time out of your day since my little guy is active only at dusk. I know Beardies need more daytime attention so I was wondering what everyones routines are like with your bearded dragons? I wake up at 6:30 every morning for school and leave for the bus at 7:10. Do they need to be handled etc in the morning or is the afternoon okay? I wont be getting a Beardie for a little while still, as I want to get a better job and feel more prepared. Thanks!
Babies need to be fed in the morning like about a hr or two after lights on - they need to warm up - salads and insects should be offered BSFL are a good feeder to add to the tops of salads - and a good staple feeder - he should be fed two - three times per day and there should be 2-3 hrs before lights off - it is good to let babies acclimate to their surroundings - they will go thru relocation stress so handling them in the tank like petting and holding is good - personality will determine the dragons behavior some are real scared after getting them some acclimate faster than others - I recommend not getting them out to run when they are babies you can lose them real fast - getting under things etc - the most important thing I want to stress is the lighting in the tank ---- first DO NOT buy a "kit" most everything in that "kit" you will replace mainly the UVB that will be your most expensive thing and one of the MOST important things -

Please look at these links I posted and if you have any questions please ask --- its great your doing research BEFORE you get the dragon - they are more complex than what people think and having the correct basking temps and UVB are the MOST important thing in the tank - they control the overall health and behavior of your dragon


Original Poster
Thank you! Im actually looking into getting a older beardie since I think a baby would be way too much for me. Ill check out the links now! And ive already done so much research over the past year as well as talked to friends that have as well so I hope I've covered everything. I was just curious how people juggle school and a bearded dragon!
Babies need to be fed in the morning like about a hr or two after lights on - they need to warm up - salads and insects should be offered BSFL are a good feeder to add to the tops of salads - and a good staple feeder - he should be fed two - three times per day and there should be 2-3 hrs before lights off - it is good to let babies acclimate to their surroundings - they will go thru relocation stress so handling them in the tank like petting and holding is good - personality will determine the dragons behavior some are real scared after getting them some acclimate faster than others - I recommend not getting them out to run when they are babies you can lose them real fast - getting under things etc - the most important thing I want to stress is the lighting in the tank ---- first DO NOT buy a "kit" most everything in that "kit" you will replace mainly the UVB that will be your most expensive thing and one of the MOST important things -

Please look at these links I posted and if you have any questions please ask --- its great your doing research BEFORE you get the dragon - they are more complex than what people think and having the correct basking temps and UVB are the MOST important thing in the tank - they control the overall health and behavior of your dragon

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Thank you! Im actually looking into getting a older beardie since I think a baby would be way too much for me. Ill check out the links now! And ive already done so much research over the past year as well as talked to friends that have as well so I hope I've covered everything. I was just curious how people juggle school and a bearded dragon!
Older dragons temps 95-100 and they only need to be fed once a day so you can wake him up when you get up or set up a timer they are cheap to have your lights come on at a certain time but they should be on at least 12 hrs per day we have had kids post for help on here not sure how they work it


Original Poster
Older dragons temps 95-100 and they only need to be fed once a day so you can wake him up when you get up or set up a timer they are cheap to have your lights come on at a certain time but they should be on at least 12 hrs per day we have had kids post for help on here not sure how they work it
Ah thats so perfect I'll definitely buy a timer then! Thank you so much!!
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