Beardie Pooping in Water Dish

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I have a 4 month old Beardie who is getting quite big for his age, so I got him a new 40 gallon tank. When I bought his new tank I decided to switch from the old green mat floor to a crushed walnut substrate so that it would be more like sand. He is still getting used to it as it slows down his hunting activities at feeding, but I have noticed another disturbing behavior recently.

Since I changed his cage, he will only poop in his water dish, which makes a horrible mess. Scolding him and rubbing his nose in it has done little to deter his behavior. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this behaivior and could maybe help me un-toilet train my beardie. I am sure that if there was some way to harness this behavior for the better that would be great, such as adding a second water dish to the tank and making the old one his throne.

Any ideas???


Juvie Member
Walnut substrate is a bad idea. The best according to these boards is tile. Next is actually sand, as long as they don't start eating it. I use Excavator Sand. It has clay in it, so it packs down and BDs can't eat it.
As for the poo in the water, it is very typical. Try rearranging his cage so that he picks a new spot.


Gray-bearded Member

Actually, not disturbing so much as, common. :) Pooping in water is a typical beardie behavior. Not for all mind you, but for many. I do wonder if it has something to do with wanting to leave as little scent or trail as possible, so as not to be vulnerable to predators, as many animals (tapirs for example) do in the wild. Some theorize that it's because they like to keep their vivs clean. :mrgreen: Water can be taken out an changed, but pooping in or on substrate constitutes a bit more clean up, and tends more to spread bacteria. Our girl likes to poop in the water. She doesn't drink from a dish, so I don't keep one in the viv (keeps the humidity down), but she likes to go in her bath. Many beardie owners actually train their beardies to go in the bath, as it keeps cleaning the viv to a minimum, and less smelly as well. As many beardies prefer it, it's usually a win/win situation.

If you really don't want him going in the water dish, you can try putting two in and see what happens. :dontknow: But I would keep an eye that it doesn't drive up the humidity in tank (should range between 30-50%). Aside from that, you can take out the water dish as many opt to do. You are bathing regularly I assume (2-4 times per week)? If so, then beardie should be well hydrated so no actual need for the dish. However, if you remove it, he might hold on until he gets a bath and go in there so... just depends. Our girl if not bathed, will go in the viv if she needs to, but prefers the water if possible.

I would also like to strongly caution on using crushed walnut. It has been ground down to be "like" sand yes, however, it is tiny particles of very course/sharp material. If beardie does happen ingest any (while eating or sensing environment by licking, as beardies often do), it is not only an impaction risk, but can actually injure their digestive track. Sand also, is not recommended, as it is an impaction risk, particularly pet store types such as calci and vita. All loose substrates harbor more bacteria than solid, so one more risk there. And lastly, loose particles can find their way to beardie's eyes and cause irritation and injury. Loose substrates are particularly problematic for babies and juvies. The general rule of thumb is: sand for adult beardies only (1 1 /2 - 2 years), and then only PLAY sand, that is well sifted and cleaned.

Safe substrates for beardies are: tile, slate, non-adhesive shelf liner, repti-carpet or just plain old paper towel or newsprint.

TatorHead":76f47 said:
Scolding him and rubbing his nose in it has done little to deter his behavior.

You were just kidding here, right? :)

Hope this helps a bit.



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That does help. I will definately look into changing out the walnut substrate and will probably encourage this action if Woodrow (my beardie) prefers it. I just want to make sure that he has clean water to bathe and drink from if he wants to. I may have to add a second dish that doesn't look so much like a toilet.

I am glad to see him developing a personality, I just wish he was so rebealous.


Hatchling Member
I don't even keep a water dish in with Alvin. He gets a bath every day so he is being kept hydrated by his bath, vegies, and insects. He poops in his bath at everyday which I really like because I do not have to clean it out of his house. :)


Gray-bearded Member
TatorHead":b34f9 said:
That does help. I will definately look into changing out the walnut substrate and will probably encourage this action if Woodrow (my beardie) prefers it. I just want to make sure that he has clean water to bathe and drink from if he wants to. I may have to add a second dish that doesn't look so much like a toilet.

A different shape of dish perhaps? LOL Woodrow is a great name! Good you've found something that's working.

I am glad to see him developing a personality, I just wish he was so rebealous.

Indeed, they can keep us hopping and guessing as any beardie slave will tell you around these parts. :mrgreen: Rest assured, this is VERY normal behavior. Like any other creature they certainly are individuals! And while they will tend to fall into routines that we guide, at heart, they are incredibly instinct driven, and tend not to have the same capacity for being trained as say, dogs.

Hope your solution works out well long term for both you and beardie. :)

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