beardie losing his appetite

addy dunk

I just brought home my 2-3 month old bearded dragon 3 days ago. I have been feeding him crickets 2 times a day and leaving a small salad in there in the morning as well! Since he’s young he’s not a huge fan of his salad so hasn’t been eating that much. However the first night i brought him home he ate around 16 crickets, and the next morning he at 12. Then last night he ate around 10. This morning I tried to feet him about an hour after his lights turned on and he was extremely un-interested. About 45 minutes after I tried again and he still wouldn’t eat. Finally I got him to eat a whopping 2 crickets. I am slightly worried that maybe he is sick, but also i recognize the fact that he is still adjusting to his new home and that could be why he is not eating well. Another thing to mention is i can see a very small pieces of skin starting to peel off his face, so i believe he is about to start shedding, could that be why he’s not eating? Might be overreacting, but just wanna be safe! Please someone let me know if this is normal to ease my mind :)

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I just brought home my 2-3 month old bearded dragon 3 days ago. I have been feeding him crickets 2 times a day and leaving a small salad in there in the morning as well! Since he’s young he’s not a huge fan of his salad so hasn’t been eating that much. However the first night i brought him home he ate around 16 crickets, and the next morning he at 12. Then last night he ate around 10. This morning I tried to feet him about an hour after his lights turned on and he was extremely un-interested. About 45 minutes after I tried again and he still wouldn’t eat. Finally I got him to eat a whopping 2 crickets. I am slightly worried that maybe he is sick, but also i recognize the fact that he is still adjusting to his new home and that could be why he is not eating well. Another thing to mention is i can see a very small pieces of skin starting to peel off his face, so i believe he is about to start shedding, could that be why he’s not eating? Might be overreacting, but just wanna be safe! Please someone let me know if this is normal to ease my mind :)
It's relocation stress most likely. Shedding also can decrease appetite. If he has lil brown circles on his belly, that is stress marks.

addy dunk

Original Poster
It's relocation stress most likely. Shedding also can decrease appetite. If he has lil brown circles on his belly, that is stress marks.
Okay thanks so much for the info! I assumed it was from the relocation but wanted to just ask!

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Make sure all your surface basking temps are on par they need to be taken w/ a digital probe thermometer and your UVB as well NO coils

addy dunk

Original Poster
When you get the Arcadia please post it we will help you get it placed for the screen on the tank -
Okay will do, and is okay that there has been the compacted uvb in there for about 3 days, will that do much harm to him? I would have got the arcadia immediately but the pet store I went to didn’t sell the right size, and only sold the bulbs without the hood, so i just went ahead and got what the gave me, and then now i just ordered the new one which should be here this week.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Okay will do, and is okay that there has been the compacted uvb in there for about 3 days, will that do much harm to him? I would have got the arcadia immediately but the pet store I went to didn’t sell the right size, and only sold the bulbs without the hood, so i just went ahead and got what the gave me, and then now i just ordered the new one which should be here this week.
He will be fine - you caught it fast-

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