Beardie is gone!

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Gray-bearded Member
Gaet aclamp lamp at walmart or hardware store it can sit directly on top of the screen next to the uvb....which is a flouresent tube right?then i woulld put just a household 40 watt. or 60 watt.malibu is in a 70 gall. 18.5 high she has a 40watt in summer for heat 60watt in winter.she also has a megaray so you
might want to try 100watt play w/the bulbs till temp is good .i know malibus probe is about 8 or 9 inches from household bulb & 60watt is sometimes too hot.

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
When your taking the measurements with the probe are you laying it directly on the basking surface and letting it sit for 45 minutes?Also what is the temp on the cool end?How big is the tank you moved Blaze into?You may want to reconsider the move.Beardies get relocation stress when you change their environment and being se isnt feeling well it may make things worse.Great that you got the reptisun 5.0 :D Can you pleas fill me in a little more on that 150watt uvb?What exactly does it say on the bulb/package?I am a little confused on that?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Blaze just passed away while I was watching him. He is gone! Thanks to everybody for all your help and advice. May he rest in peace. :(

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
I am so sorry for your loss, you all have been such a caring family, and have done a great job for many years, I will be thinking of all of you during this healing time.


Juvie Member
I was ready to throw in my advice, but now I guess I will just offer you my sympathy. Whatever was wrong, you did so much for him, and you must know he appreciated that. Rest in peace Blaze.


beardie parents Sicko
I'm really sorry. It really seems to me that September and now October (so far) has been a terrible time for the deaths of beardies. Each death I read about makes me remember all those I've lost. I send you hugs and hope it helps somewhat.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Thank you everybody for your kind words. The hurt is very deep right now as I feel like I should have done more 2 weeks ago when I thought he was in brumation. My daughter is very upset. We buried him in the backyard.

Rest in peace, Blaze :(

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Oh no I am so sorry.I was really hoping Blaze would pull through.Dont beat yourself up,beardie's hide illness very well and sometimes you just cant see it until its too late.opefully one day you and your family will have room in your heart to give another little beardie a good home.
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