Beardie injury seems infected


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On my Beardy left foot on his smallest toe. I noticed the scrape on Sunday morning, and it swelled up over the course of that day and has now begun to leak pus and some yellow substance. I’ve tried Neosporin and pure honey but it seems to be getting worse. I’m still not sure if I can make a vet visit and need to know how I can help him or is this is normal or an urgent issue.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
On my Beardy left foot on his smallest toe. I noticed the scrape on Sunday morning, and it swelled up over the course of that day and has now begun to leak pus and some yellow substance. I’ve tried Neosporin and pure honey but it seems to be getting worse. I’m still not sure if I can make a vet visit and need to know how I can help him or is this is normal or an urgent issue. View attachment 89723
Please get him to the vet --- type in a bigger cities zip code if your in a small area - keep putting the honey on it raw unfiltered like Manuka

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

So the raw honey & antibiotic ointment hasn't helped yet? They definitely have specialized
skin/scales that trap bacteria between the layers. You might want to consider getting a vet visit
if it doesn't clear up.


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