Hey everyone, I've had my beardie for about 8 1/2 months now, she's about 10 months old. Recently she has been glass surfing almost constantly and I cant figure out why. Her appetite has also been pretty low for the last 4 or so days. I've checked her temperature (basking spot is about 103F-105F and she has cooler places in her tank), her humidity (42%), and her UVB (which both her mercury vapor bulb and her uvb bulb are both still good). I was a bit concerned that she may be gravid, but I haven't felt any eggs or anything in her tummy. I've still been offering her dubias and wax/meal worms and her daily salad with some calcium powder. I got her to eat some watermelon and a piece or two of some mustard greens today, but it's the first she's eaten in a couple of days. I'm not really sure what's going on, but she seems to be pretty alert still. If anyone has any ideas or questions, please let me know!