Beardie fell, now he keeps opening his mouth


Beardie name(s)
I was holding him and tripped over something and he went flying. Hit something then bounced to the ground landing on his back. I took him to the ER for exotics. Gave meds for pain. No X-rays or blood test. Keeps opening his mouth, lethargic and not eating. Don't know what to do please any advice would be great

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh I am sorry this happened!
They should have done an x-ray to determine any injury. It sounds like to me he may have some type
of injury but I hope it isn't serious. Is his beard black?
I would be worried about an internal injury if you can't see any visible signs of a broken bone. The opening
of his mouth intermittently means some type of pain & or distress.
Try to keep him comfortable & lower his basking spot so that he doesn't have to move or climb in order to
bask or get warm.
Can you find another vet to take him to for x-rays? Which pain medication did they give you?



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Oh I am sorry this happened!
They should have done an x-ray to determine any injury. It sounds like to me he may have some type
of injury but I hope it isn't serious. Is his beard black?
I would be worried about an internal injury if you can't see any visible signs of a broken bone. The opening
of his mouth intermittently means some type of pain & or distress.
Try to keep him comfortable & lower his basking spot so that he doesn't have to move or climb in order to
bask or get warm.
Can you find another vet to take him to for x-rays? Which pain medication did they give you?


KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Very lethargic and just kind of limp when I hold him. He is basking and is a very light color. His beard is a little black. He's not interested in eating.
here is a website for a vet please type in a bigger cities zip code if your in a small area /town '
Hes not eating as hes not feeling good - Tracie will advise on the medication --

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Thank you so much. He is my therapy animal and I am just devastated
See if you can find a vet and if you get him in NO enemas! I dont think they would do one but if they suggest it dont do it! Also I would try and keep your ambient temps at night around 80 -- since hes not feeling well it will help w/ his immune system


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
See if you can find a vet and if you get him in NO enemas! I dont think they would do one but if they suggest it dont do it! Also I would try and keep your ambient temps at night around 80 -- since hes not feeling well it will help w/ his immune system
Ok thank you. The ER was so expensive for nothing. I'm scraping $ together now. I had an exotic vet when I had my skunks so I'm hoping I can get him in with them

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Yes his specialties are birds and reptiles. Idk if he is going to make it through the night. Barely opens his eyes. Flimsy if I hold him, won't eat Is there anything I can do until tomorrow
I dont know except keep his temps in the tank warmer around 80 - use a heating pad if you haft to but cover it and get a ambient temp after its been in there for awhile

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