Beardie camera


Beardie name(s)
I just upgraded my phone and downloaded an app on my old one to use it as a security camera, which I set up outside my beardie’s terrarium to see what he’s doing when I’m away. But I was wondering- because bearded dragons can see a wider range of the electromagnetic spectrum than we can (such as being able to detect uvb), would my beardie Snoopy be able to see any electromagnetic waves coming from the phone camera and be annoyed at them pointing at him? Or is this not possible? I would assume this isn’t possible but I just don’t want Snoopy to be bothered.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
The phone camera does not emit anything. On the contrary, it captures the light range of radiation.
The only emitter in your phone is the illumination of the shooting area. The backlight can emit a visible spectrum of light. in this case, you will immediately see it and can deactivate it. If your phone has a night mode, you won't be able to visually notice the backlight, but it will be clearly visible to your dragon, so make sure you don't have the night mode activated if your phone has one and turn off the flash on phone camera.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
The phone camera does not emit anything. On the contrary, it captures the light range of radiation.
The only emitter in your phone is the illumination of the shooting area. The backlight can emit a visible spectrum of light. in this case, you will immediately see it and can deactivate it. If your phone has a night mode, you won't be able to visually notice the backlight, but it will be clearly visible to your dragon, so make sure you don't have the night mode activated if your phone has one and turn off the flash on phone camera.
Your exactly right. My security cameras had night vision and my dragons activity hide from them even in the daytime.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
From what I've heard, "normal cameras" might throw off reptiles due to the focus they use, which will be noticed by them but is invisible to us. Not sure if this is relevant for phones though, I believe they might just do this via software.

In the past I used a security camera but now I'll just pull it out if there is a special reason for it. They didn't seem to be bothered by it though.

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