Post pictures pleasemy bearded dragon is oozing something from an area by her tail up by her body and its got some blood in it looks like feces but aint actually got a clue
thank you we are trying the honey we had some on handHello,
That is very hard to tell. Could she have hurt herself? How long has this been present?
Do you keep feeders in her tank that could have bitten her?
For now, if it is an open wound get some raw unpasteurized honey to put directly on the
area to help fight infection from developing.
she is out in the light more she has ate and we've bathed her and will keep doing so only for 15 minutes usually she will stay in the water longer i had a uva light so we are using that but where i live it is winter and cold so we can't shut it off we will try to move her into a different room but for now theHello,
That's great you already had some honey to use. How are things going, any improvements?
we have moved her into a room where we can keep her warmer and i hold her lots she seems to like that she sleeps on me but she isnt eating once in a great while maybe she'll have worm is this normal for winter