Bearded Dragons: Do they really make good pets?

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I know I've already asked way to many questions on here, but I have just one more before I make the commitment and buy a beardie. I am the kind of person who likes exotics and stuff but I want one thats cuddley and enjoys human company. Is a beardie really cuddley? I hear people talk about it, but I'm not sold. Thanks. :D


Extreme Poster
Ok they are yes but also no. My female loves people (sometimes). She will (sometimes) lay on me and go for shoulder rides. She does like to be pet and loves attention. But she has moments where she would rather just stay in her cage and not be touched. She doesn't beard me or anything she just tries to jump back in her cage. My male is being really hard to make friendly. He tries to beard me and bite. He is taking longer to become sociable. It depends on the beardie for sure. My female loved people to begin with. I would say they are cuddly but again depends on that individual.


Juvie Member
my guys like to come out and hang out with me, they will also like to explore other places than just you when they are out. They are sweet and funny and even just watching them in their viv is fun cause you never know what they are going to do, like are they going to wave at you or head bob you, their glass dancing is extremely cute.


Juvie Member
Out of all the animals I have,Reptar is my favorite..for the solid fact that he can go anywhere with me..He's awake when I am,he is so gentle and well mannered,and he is a sweetheart. IMO they make amazing pets,as everyone else will say too! I know and trust him like I would my dog..Never puffed out at me,never bit. :)


Sadie is sleeping on my chest as I type this! she loves being held in the evenings and will often get up really close on my shoulder and go to sleep.


Sub-Adult Member
Earlier today, sunshine wanted out so I got her out. She crawled upto my neck and then tried to scratch my neck to get in closer. Shes a snuggle bug.

zandi202 Addict
As long as you know what you're getting yourself into such as cost and care, then yes, beardies are great. I have 4.5 month old male named Jace and 2.5 month old named Zy. They are the loves of my life and don't care if I'm eccentric and out there. I wouldn't trade mine for the world.


Hatchling Member
I think if you have any doubts you should wait until you are ready. I waited years before deciding to finally get one.
It has taken almost 4 months to just get him used to me so if you want a BD that will hang out with you you right away you might want to consider adopting an older one.


Sub-Adult Member
For as long as I have had him, Fafnir has been a great snuggler. I got him as a baby from a local pet store. It was a bit chilly and I didn't have a car. The poor thing must've been pretty cold. I put my hand in the kritterkeeper that I bought for him and he snuggled my hand right away. Ever since then he has been nothing but amazing. He loves to snuggle before bed or he literally won't sleep.

It really depends on the beardie in the end. He does have his moments when he is shedding and he just wants to be left in the viv.


Gray-bearded Member
Yes, i can hold them and they will sit on my shoulder and sleep on me. now, as adults. as babies they could not hold still for 2 minutes.

they go to sleep as soon as it gets dark, so you have limited time with them.

you can't cuddle a beardie like you can a cat or dog. so if that is what you are looking for then a beardie is not for you.

but out of any reptile i have owned/handled, they are by far the best. i really can't see any future without a beardie in it. it is a commitment, and costly.
but i would sell everything i own before giving them up.


Hatchling Member
It depends.. beardies are one of the most by far people friendly reptiles. My wife and I have 2 right now a male and female :) The female always lays on my wife and burrows into her hair or on her neck cuddles up and sleeps! The male is more of a explorer and likes to move around a more. We have them in a 125 gallon enclosure split in half so they have their own space. It was funny and cute though when they were babies we had two desperate tanks one was on my wife's end table next to our bed, at night the female would move all the way to the side of the tank and go to sleep closest to where my wife was! She definitely has an attachment to my wife lol

zandi202 Addict
That's so cute!
I have noticed as well that my female, Zy, definitely more of a love bug than my boy, Jace. Though when Jace gets lovey dovey, he's over the moon affectionate.


Hatchling Member
What about with kids, I know I need to watch them while the kids are handleing them. I have 4 kids at my house, three of which are older(14, 9 and 6) and they are used to handling snakes, as we also have a ball python, and other pets(2dogs and a cat). I just haven't read how they do with children. The youngest (2 years) won't handle it at all untill he gets a little older(the child not the beardie :wink: ) I just don't want the Beardie to bit the children, and I understand that the Beardie will take some time to warm up to me, let alone the children. (I don't have one yet, but we are getting one this weekend) I just want to know if there is some type of behavier I need to watch for while the Beardie is being handled by the children.

zandi202 Addict
I've had two beardies and I've had one since late November, Jace, and he's only bitten twice. It's more of a shock that they are biting you than anything else, because it doesn't hurt worth didily squat. Hamster bites hurt WAY more.
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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