Bearded dragons and marijuana?

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kingofnobbys Sicko
I haven't watched it either, I wont be wasting my time or bandwidth to do , the person who thinks this is OK to do is an 1d1ot.

Do not feed "weed" / "pot" or other illicit drugs to a reptile.This is purely and simply abuse.


(I didn't bother watching the video either.)

Assuming there are no negative effects, what separates giving a bearded dragon cannabis from giving a cat catnip?

I'm not trying to troll, I'm genuinely curious.

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
Kaiju":1p67tusn said:
(I didn't bother watching the video either.)

Assuming there are no negative effects, what separates giving a bearded dragon cannabis from giving a cat catnip?

I'm not trying to troll, I'm genuinely curious.
There's been some threads in the past but people end up getting it locked because they can't control their feelings on the matter.

In that thread 2 people mentioned that they have given their dragon parts of the cannabis plant without any outwardly showing I'll effect. Doesnt mean that something internally wasnt going on, but based on what they shared, their dragons acted no different than eating any other salad item
One had only fed the cannabis leaves. While another had started he's fed more of the plant including the bud.

It's not something I would do, but so far we haven't heard of any issues with then eating it. Only thing we've heard of so far is no outwardly ill effects.



Extreme Poster
One would think it would be wiser to buy greens, they are much cheaper and, your dragon won't forget where his basking spot is!!!

kingofnobbys Sicko
Why risk it when it's not an "approved" and DEFINITELY KNOWN to be a safe plant to feed to a dragon ?
I think a Marijuana induced schitzophrenic dragon will be very hard to deal with, biting everything / everyone in sight. It's anyone's guess how it'll mess up a dragons brain. And we don't know the effect it will have on the dragon's liver and kidneys either.

Your pet . Your choice .

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
Gormagon":30x4ncv1 said:
One would think it would be wiser to buy greens, they are much cheaper and, your dragon won't forget where his basking spot is!!!
Haha :)

FWIW both of those experiences came from 2 people who both said they grow it for their own use. And I guess the leaves generally get wasted in the process anyways? Idk.



Extreme Poster
claudiusx":35ytngf0 said:
Gormagon":35ytngf0 said:
One would think it would be wiser to buy greens, they are much cheaper and, your dragon won't forget where his basking spot is!!!
Haha :)

FWIW both of those experiences came from 2 people who both said they grow it for their own use. And I guess the leaves generally get wasted in the process anyways? Idk.

Apparently that ain't all that gets waisted, lol!

kingofnobbys Sicko
Gormagon":1hyftp01 said:
claudiusx":1hyftp01 said:
Gormagon":1hyftp01 said:
One would think it would be wiser to buy greens, they are much cheaper and, your dragon won't forget where his basking spot is!!!
Haha :)

FWIW both of those experiences came from 2 people who both said they grow it for their own use. And I guess the leaves generally get wasted in the process anyways? Idk.

Apparently that ain't all that gets waisted, lol!

A sample of 2 is not a good indication of ANYTHING.

There are some basic formulas for sample size calculation, although sample size calculation differs from technique to technique.
For example, when we are comparing the means of two populations, if the sample size is less than 30, then we use the t-test.
If the sample size is greater than 30, then we use the z-test.
If the population size is small, than we need a bigger sample size, and if the population is large, then we need a smaller sample size as compared to the smaller population.

Sample size calculation will also differ with different margins of error. THIS IS THE CRUCIAL ASPECT , a sample of 2 has such a large margin for error that it is worthless.

Now if it was a sample of 100 bearded dragon keepers maybe it might just indicate it's OK.

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
Exactly. And a sample size of 0 dragons having Ill effects says what also?

You dont have to get high school statistics teacher on us.

CBD extracts are starting to be used for lots of reasons with pets, just like it is with humans. Some may be placebos, but the point is, it's being used more and more. You would imagine youd see more issues popping up as usage goes up, but you're not.

If statistics and charts are what make you feel comfortable that's fine. But not everyone has to think like you.

It's like you said in the uv thread, they are all the same species and how one is affected by something is how they all will be, right?;)


kingofnobbys Sicko
claudiusx":2qnhwlaq said:
Exactly. And a sample size of 0 dragons having Ill effects says what also?

You dont have to get high school statistics teacher on us.

CBD extracts are starting to be used for lots of reasons with pets, just like it is with humans. Some may be placebos, but the point is, it's being used more and more. You would imagine youd see more issues popping up as usage goes up, but you're not.

If statistics and charts are what make you feel comfortable that's fine. But not everyone has to think like you.

It's like you said in the uv thread, they are all the same species and how one is affected by something is how they all will be, right?;)

Let's stick to the science shall we.

If the vet recommends using it based on good solid science , so be it , but this is someone who happens to be a user and obviously still had enough brain power left to realize letting his or her dragon partake is very likely not such a good idea, otherwise they would have continued without asking here.

I wont go back over the reason's why it's not a good idea again , anyone who is interested is welcome to read the AGAINST comments and compare them the very weak FOR arguments given so far.

As to your bait, I also welcome others to read the comments in those two threads about UV exposure themselves and scientific evidence and proof I've given that supports my responses, I wont be derailing this thread by sidetracking it.
If anyone want's the links to both threads, they are welcome to ask and then join the discussion at either or both.


Juvie Member
Just a thought on this whole discussion/argument/whatever. Even if MJ is safe for dragons to eat (and we only have anecdotal evidence from other threads & posters), we don't know if it's any good for them nutritionally. Sure, we can feed dragons all kinds of things that don't outwardly seem to harm them, but 1) we don't know if it's good for them in the same sense that iceberg lettuce isn't good for them as a staple. 2) it could have some sub-clinical effect on them that they can hide. We all know how good they are at hiding when they're not well.

My 2 cents is why chance it when we know that there are so many commonly available foods they can eat? It seems irresponsible in the same way as the knuckleheads here in Colorado who drive high (or drunk for that matter). I don't care if someone gets stoned out of their mind every night at home as long as they're not harming others. The line for me is when they drag others into it (other drivers, children, pets, etc.). I'm not saying that's what the OP is suggesting doing, but to anyone who is thinking about it, I'd say if you really care about your beardie, you should think twice before doing anything that could harm them. That includes feeding them foods containing known psychoactive chemical compounds. And, to those with the argument "oh, but it's natural, it's just a plant, etc.", I would counter that fireflies, nightshade, mercury, and arsenic are also 100% natural, but you wouldn't feed those to a beardie either.
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