Bearded dragon tail wont stop bleeding


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My friends dragons tail will not stop bleeding. It is not gushing but wont stop. There is not a reptile vet near her so taking it in right away is not possible. She is not sure what to do and is very afraid as the dragon is almost 8 yrs old.

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Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
My friends dragons tail will not stop bleeding. It is not gushing but wont stop. There is not a reptile vet near her so taking it in right away is not possible. She is not sure what to do and is very afraid as the dragon is almost 8 yrs old.
Maybe wrap it in gauze but not tightly enough to restrict circulation.
@Drache613 is a vet tech, she might have advise. She is on late at night though.
It might be helpful to post a few pictures also.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Do you have a picture of the tail? What type of accident occurred to cause the bleeding?
As suggested, you can use some gauze but not wrapping it tightly & using some raw unpasteurized
honey or silver cream. To stop bleeding, you can try covering it with corn starch, that may help it
to initially stop bleeding.


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