Bearded dragon something stuck. Tired. Won’t eat


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Hello, my bearded dragon is tired looking. She won’t eat either. I believe she has to get something out. She laid eggs 2 days ago. I’m afraid it’s stuck eggs. Or it could be poop. I’m not sure what to do.

I gave her a bath it didn’t work.
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AHBD Sicko
Cole was eating right up to the day after she laid eggs so now it's just a day. She actually took in a lot of nutrition right up to now so it's not concerning in itself. They usually are pretty tired after laying eggs so that's normal. Can you post a few new pics of her ? Does she act like she's tryng to lay, is her beard real black ? Not just grey but black ?


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She doesn’t act like she is trying to lay. She keeps trying to squeeze something out. Her beard is ok. Maybe a little grey earlier. She was active when I moved her off the basking. But, when she goes on the basking she looks more tired. Thank you.


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AHBD Sicko
How do you mean she's trying to squeeze something out ? If it looks like that she might have a left over egg that's common and should come out soon. She looks fine, let her rest and remember, she eats when she wants and you fed her plenty right up until including the day she laid her eggs. :)
She's acting pretty much like she did the past times that she laid.


Sub-Adult Member
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How do you mean she's trying to squeeze something out ? If it looks like that she might have a left over egg that's common and should come out soon. She looks fine, let her rest and remember, she eats when she wants and you fed her plenty right up until including the day she laid her eggs. :)
She's acting pretty much like she did the past times that she laid.
She keeps squeezing/clenching her butt. Like pelvic movement. Like when she poops. But, she has been doing it since 7 am. And nothing is coming out. When she has to poop, she doesn’t normally look so tired and she normally wants to eat at least her crickets.

AHBD Sicko
Remember, she worked very hard digging. We would all be tired if we dug holes or ran or swam for a couple hours for 4-5 days . This is normal behavior and I'm sure she's fine but if you're concerned you can take her to a reptile vet to get a shot of Oxytocin to induce any egg to be pushed out. Let her rest now and later today put her in shallow warm water for 5 minutes to see if she'll push any egg or eggs out.


Sub-Adult Member
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Remember, she worked very hard digging. We would all be tired if we dug holes or ran or swam for a couple hours for 4-5 days . This is normal behavior and I'm sure she's fine but if you're concerned you can take her to a reptile vet to get a shot of Oxytocin to induce any egg to be pushed out. Let her rest now and later today put her in shallow warm water for 5 minutes to see if she'll push any egg or eggs out.
Ok, thank you very much!!!


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These photos are more what I’m talking about. She is in a position that she normally has when she poops. And looks tired to me. She looked good yesterday. This sorta started last night. She pooped. And then, she looked a little tired a while after that. And like something more needed to come out. Thank you for your help! I’ll let her rest.


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Sub-Adult Member
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Hello, she pooped. But, it was quite small for all that squeezing. I’m not sure if that was what was causing it. But, I haven’t seen much squeezing after that. She looks a little better. But, she still wants nothing to eat. It has been almost 2 hours since she pooped. Do you think she still needs to go to the bathroom? Or just needs some time to regain her appetite? Thank you


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Sub-Adult Member
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She just pooped again. This one was very big. She doesn’t want anything to eat at the moment. She wanted hornworms and 2 crickets earlier. But, not right now.


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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

It is most likely her just being tired. She has run herself ragged lately so it's no wonder she is so tired.
Keep her hydrated as much as you can. She will eat when she is ready to!


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Hey, I just saw one of your posts from a few months ago, I’m sorry for your loss of Sweet Pea and Zen, I know that’s really rough, and I’ll keep you in my prayers!
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Heyy….if you like WoF… is there a chance you like the book series Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter?
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‘Ello mate!
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