bearded dragon on back/previous medical issues plz help advice needed


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Beetlejuice (BJ)

When are you going to the vet, today which is Monday?
The Ceftz is a commonly used medication for infections. Be sure to keep him well hydrated while on this medication so he doesn't get dehydrated.
I hope that there isn't anything serious going on but hopefully the vet is thorough.
A blood test would be helpful. Please post the results when you can.

I am going to the vet today for his third antibiotic shot, but they can’t get me in to see the vet today. I have an appointment for tomorrow (tuesday) to see the vet and discuss his new symptoms and the fact he’s flipped twice. So far today he seems to be doing somewhat okay, no flipping today. He ate about 6-8 crickets dusted with calcium yesterday but isn’t really interested in his salad, but i’m still offering it to him, i’m just glad he ate something at all. I gave him a bath today for some hydration and he seemed to enjoy it, and even did a little poo, but is relatively lethargic in his cage and is just laying around, which makes sense because he must be exhausted :(

I will definitely post the results and answers i get from the vet when I see her tomorrow.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Beetlejuice (BJ)

When are you going to the vet, today which is Monday?
The Ceftz is a commonly used medication for infections. Be sure to keep him well hydrated while on this medication so he doesn't get dehydrated.
I hope that there isn't anything serious going on but hopefully the vet is thorough.
A blood test would be helpful. Please post the results when you can.

i took him to the vet today for his third antibiotics shot, and i’m seeing the vet tomorrow for a re-check up. I got home from from the vet and he was in his cage for maybe 30 minutes and then he flipped himself again, i set up a baby monitor camera, it takes snapshots but doesn’t record, but it looks like he pushed himself off of the glass and flipped himself :( i am going to talk to the vet tomorrow about the best route to take with him, i was thinking about possibly surrendering him to a reptile rescue because they might be able to take better care of him, euthanasia would truly be the last resort but i thought he was getting better :( i don’t know if he’s doing it on purpose in order to pass (?)


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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I am so sorry he is still having trouble! Does he flip himself over often or just when he is up against the
glass? I was hoping he was starting to improve. Do you think the antibiotic has helped him at all yet?
Continue giving some oral fluids daily since he is on antibiotics because they tend to dehydrate them.
Let us know how he is doing & how things are going.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Beetlejuice (BJ)

I am so sorry he is still having trouble! Does he flip himself over often or just when he is up against the
glass? I was hoping he was starting to improve. Do you think the antibiotic has helped him at all yet?
Continue giving some oral fluids daily since he is on antibiotics because they tend to dehydrate them.
Let us know how he is doing & how things are going.


my baby monitor doesn’t record, it only takes snapshots sadly so i didn’t see, but him pushing himself off of the glass seems to be the only way he could get on his back, since i have emptied his entire cage to eliminate any risk of him flipping. I didn’t see the first two times it happened but i would assume it was the same cause. He’s never flipped himself off of the glass EVER before his medical issues, he has rarely ever glass surfed and if he were to hop off of his stick he always landed right side up, he’s never had a flipping issue before now, which is why it worries me so much.

I’m almost wondering if because he’s already experiencing other medical issues and taking antibiotics if it’s throwing off his center of gravity and so he’s more easily taking a tumble. My mom also said that she wondering if he’s doing it on purpose because he may be in pain internally and wanting to pass, but i’m not sure if they do that :(

I am going to the vet today to talk about if we should continue antibiotics, i’m assuming they’re helping, but now it seems like he’s having other issues like the flipping, and it’s causing him to drag his back legs a little bit :( he can still move them, but before these issues started he would rly scamper and walk, where as now he’s a lot slower and almost dragging his lower body. He has been a lot more temperamental since having flipped the first time three days ago, beard more black, puffing up more, just all around more easily startled and angered, where as he used to be the worlds chillest dragon. I’m going to talk to the vet about the best course of action today.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

The antibiotic may be dehydrating him causing him to be off balance. That sometimes happens & since
you mentioned that he has never flipped himself over before, that is a possibility.
Are you giving extra oral fluids to help with hydration?
Perhaps try stopping the antibiotic to see if that helps out. It almost sounds like a reaction to it, or something
to that extent.

Let us know how things are going.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How did the vet appointment for him go?
Let us know how things are coming along. I hope he is feeling better.
I know just how frustrating & emotionally draining it is to have an ill dragon.


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