Bearded dragon not getting better with meds


Beardie name(s)
My 2 1/2 year old bearded dragon was acting a little off then he started mouth breathing so I took him to the vet. 4/16/24 Blood work was normal and stool sample was negative for parasites. She gave me injectable antibiotics for RI to be given every 3 days. She recommended upping his tank temps so I got his basking to 105-107 hot side 95-100 and cool side 80-85 and night temp 75-80. 4 weeks later he went in for a recheck as he was still mouth breathing and started having a shaky twitch. The vet found a sore in his mouth and prescribed baytril injections every other day along with liquid calcium and tramadol. 5/18/24 he pooped twice in one day for the first time in a month. All he ate from 4/16 till today is one hornworm and one dose of reptaboost. He seems to be getting worse so I called the vet and she said they can do X-rays and test for atadenovirus so I made an appointment for 5/30. I am going to call my other vet in the morning to see if they can fit me in for a second opinion. I asked the vet if a probiotic would help and she said she highly doubts it will do anything, I ordered it anyway and it will be here tomorrow. At the first appointment he weighed 547g and 4 weeks later he lost 30g. I’m getting extremely concerned because he doesn’t move at all and he doesn’t eat, he just lays there mouth breathing with his eyes closed most of the time. I give him water multiple times a day with a syringe on his nose. The oral meds are tearing up his mouth because he refuses to open his mouth and when he does he bites the syringe. I’m just at a loss and I question the ability of this vet to help my baby. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hatchling Member
I just posted today about my boy being positive for adenovirus and this very similar thing happened with him. He got a respiratory infection, took antibiotics but didn’t get 100% better, then he suddenly got way worse. A second round of antibiotics help a lot but I think the big thing was the critical care. Do you have carnivore/critical care? I know repta boost has similar qualities but I really recommend the critical care if he hasn’t eaten much in that long. I believe online you can get some sort of a nipple” attachment for the syringe if your guy is biting too much on it. Is his nose clear or does it look dark like there’s stuff in it?

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Sorry your dragon is having so much trouble.
Did they confirm a respiratory infection? Which medication has been given for his infection?
So is he on the injectable antibiotics & oral Baytril both right now? If so, that is likely one primary
reason he is so lethargic. Giving both are very hard on his system.
Can you post a picture of him, along with your tank setup so we can see how everything is arranged
in his tank? Are you using a digital probe thermometer or a temp gun, to measure the temperatures?
To feed him, if possible, instead of trying to get his mouth open, try dripping the food onto the end of his
nose to see if he will start to lick any of the food that way. That would avoid mouth injury.
You can use some raw unpasteurized honey on the inside of the mouth to help with mouth infection
due to the sore in his mouth.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I just posted today about my boy being positive for adenovirus and this very similar thing happened with him. He got a respiratory infection, took antibiotics but didn’t get 100% better, then he suddenly got way worse. A second round of antibiotics help a lot but I think the big thing was the critical care. Do you have carnivore/critical care? I know repta boost has similar qualities but I really recommend the critical care if he hasn’t eaten much in that long. I believe online you can get some sort of a nipple” attachment for the syringe if your guy is biting too much on it. Is his nose clear or does it look dark like there’s stuff in it?
His nose is clear he’s just starting to get patches or shed. I don’t have critical care but I can get some, the vet recommended it but we were both concerned over the shape of his mouth and trying to jam more things in there.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Sorry your dragon is having so much trouble.
Did they confirm a respiratory infection? Which medication has been given for his infection?
So is he on the injectable antibiotics & oral Baytril both right now? If so, that is likely one primary
reason he is so lethargic. Giving both are very hard on his system.
Can you post a picture of him, along with your tank setup so we can see how everything is arranged
in his tank? Are you using a digital probe thermometer or a temp gun, to measure the temperatures?
To feed him, if possible, instead of trying to get his mouth open, try dripping the food onto the end of his
nose to see if he will start to lick any of the food that way. That would avoid mouth injury.
You can use some raw unpasteurized honey on the inside of the mouth to help with mouth infection
due to the sore in his mouth.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
She never swabbed for RI just assumed, first antibiotic was one that was kept in the freezer and started with a C. That was ever 3 days injection. Then a week after finishing them she started him on injectable baytril every other day.
I have digital thermometers and a temp gun for the basking area.


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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

The medication sounds like it was Ceftz, since it is usually an injection. Both antibiotics weren't used
together were they?
The yellowish color in the mouth, is that part of the gumline or teeth, or had he just eaten? I hope it isn't
a mouth infection of some type.
How is he doing today?



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

The medication sounds like it was Ceftz, since it is usually an injection. Both antibiotics weren't used
together were they?
The yellowish color in the mouth, is that part of the gumline or teeth, or had he just eaten? I hope it isn't
a mouth infection of some type.
How is he doing today?

Meds were done separately. He mouth is now getting beat up from the oral meds he’s on. Do worse today, came home he pooped but he was completely black bearded which he’s never done before, brows aren’t very arched , won’t open eye much. He did drink a little water. I rave him a little honey on hopes of getting him to take some reptaboost. I don’t know what else to do

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

It sounds like the medication may be too much on his system right now. For now, I would cease the
medications & begin fluid therapy, daily. The raw unpasteurized honey inside of the mouth should help
out & it's safe if ingested too.
Is his beard still dark this evening?



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

It sounds like the medication may be too much on his system right now. For now, I would cease the
medications & begin fluid therapy, daily. The raw unpasteurized honey inside of the mouth should help
out & it's safe if ingested too.
Is his beard still dark this evening?

Yes beard was still black last night and this morning. He pooped just liquid with a little green mucus. I put him in some water to rinse him off and took him out side for some sun. His eyes were open outside and he was looking around. I stoped the baytril he was due for it yesterday. I also stopped the liquid calcium. The only things I offered yesterday and this morning was water, I tried reptaboost but he wouldn’t lick it off his nose, and I rubbed a little honey with bee pollen on his mouth. This morning he’s still just laying eyes closed for the most part, eyes look sunken, brows aren’t very arched and his fat pads are starting to deflate. I’m gonna pick up some pedialyte today and see if that helps with getting some hydration back into him.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Poor thing. I think he has had too much medication right now. Can you
get some non dairy organic soy yogurt or non dairy acidophilus to help
with his tummy & appetite? Did you get some pedialyte also?
Keep him a little warmer overnight, to help boost his immune system.
Usually around 75-80F is good for overnight temperatures.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Poor thing. I think he has had too much medication right now. Can you
get some non dairy organic soy yogurt or non dairy acidophilus to help
with his tummy & appetite? Did you get some pedialyte also?
Keep him a little warmer overnight, to help boost his immune system.
Usually around 75-80F is good for overnight temperatures.

I couldn’t find any non flavor pedialyte. I’m gonna try another store this morning and I can look for some soy yogurt too. I picked up some baby food pumpkin, butternut squash and sweet potato. I added water to it and I’m gonna see if if he’ll take some today he wouldn’t take it last night. He did have a little water. He pooped a little liquid yesterday again. I also got some reptile probiotic but I’m not sure how to give it to him as it says not to mix with water. But i might try to put some in the baby food and see if he’ll take some today. I cleaned his mouth again last night with a little honey. He also does this thing that looks like a hiccup when he mouth breaths now idk if it’s a cough or something but he doesn’t make any noise. Ive have his temps bumped up for about 5 weeks day and night. His bearded is still black.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

If you wanted to get a flavored pedialyte that is fine too. Were you able to get him to take any foods
yet? You definitely have to get some type of nutrition into him, I know it's hard when he doesn't feel
What did you bump his temperatures up to? Be sure to also keep him a little warmer overnight to help
boost his immune system. Which probiotic did you get? You can mix it with a little bit of food, if you can
get him to take some food.
Let us know how he is doing.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

If you wanted to get a flavored pedialyte that is fine too. Were you able to get him to take any foods
yet? You definitely have to get some type of nutrition into him, I know it's hard when he doesn't feel
What did you bump his temperatures up to? Be sure to also keep him a little warmer overnight to help
boost his immune system. Which probiotic did you get? You can mix it with a little bit of food, if you can
get him to take some food.
Let us know how he is doing.

Ok I wasn’t sure everything I read said unflavored pedialyte. I was debating make a homemade pedialyte. I got nutrabacDF I put some in the baby food and got a couple little squirts into him last night and I’m gonna try again in a little bit. I’m just gonna force it like I did with the oral meds because he’s looking very dehydrated. I mixed butternut squash, pumpkin and sweet potato baby food with water, a little reptaboost, some probiotic, liquid calcium and a little bee pollen. He pooped yesterday it was just green mucus. His temps have been bumped to 95 hot side and 83 cool side, basking is at 106 night temp 80. I also emailed the vet to see if there’s any other way to get fluids into him because he wasn’t even trying to lap it up. Should I get a protein baby food like chicken or turkey? I offered him a super worm yesterday but he barely even looked at it.

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Does this look like a healthy beardie
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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