Bearded dragon fat pads and gravid


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Hello, can someone tell me if her fat pads are ok? I think she might be gravid. And she’s not too interested in her greens again. And she had trouble laying eggs a month ago due to dehydration. So, I want to make sure the fat pads are ok.


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Yes, Cole looks good ! Is she still eating a good bit of greens ? You're taking good care of her. :)
She ate greens early in the morning. But, has not wanted any greens since then. I’ve been giving her hornworms and crickets. She had 10 crickets. 8 of them had herptivite and calcium. And she had 5 medium hornworms. And 1 really small hornworm. I was hoping the bugs would give her the water. And the herptivite would give her nutrition. She was eating a lot of greens a couple of days ago. She ate ok yesterday. But, today she had no interest in greens. Later in the day she was reluctant to eat her last hornworm. And I couldn’t get her to eat her last cricket at first. But, she wanted one a while later. Is this normal? She isn’t heavy digging yet. But, is running around a lot. And has dug a little bit. Or did I just get her full? Thank you very much!!!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Cole is looking very good, a big improvement. I hope she doesn't lay another clutch.
It's alright for her to not eat as much from time to time. Her weight looks normal now, also.
She will dictate how & when she wants to eat.



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Hello, today I got her to eat 3 greens with carrot on them. That’s all she wanted. She ate about 7-8 crickets. Some of them had vitamins and calcium. Sometimes she did not want to eat her crickets. I also gave her 2 medium hornworms. I put a little bit of vitamins and calcium on one of them. But, not enough to cover the hornworm or anything. She also had 7 very small hornworms. I gave her so many because they were quite small, and I thought it would take a lot of them to equal a normal sized one. Occasionally she would dig today. But, not very much still. Sometimes pretty intensely. She mostly did it in the morning. She only dug in her hut. Not her lay box. I made a hole in her laybox. So, I’m hoping she thinks it’s her hole. And try’s digging in there tomorrow. I thought I should probably just let her dig in her hut if she wants to. But, also try to make the lay box more appealing. She stopped running at about 4:30 today. She ran a little after that but, that was mostly just to poop. She pooped two eggs today Alongside urates.

AHBD Sicko
So 2 popped out tonight ,sounds like she'll be laying more tomorrow ! Or maybe laying some more since you posted this. Good that she's digging, she always has in the past so that gives you a clue of when she's going to lay.


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So 2 popped out tonight ,sounds like she'll be laying more tomorrow ! Or maybe laying some more since you posted this. Good that she's digging, she always has in the past so that gives you a clue of when she's going to lay.
Ok, thank you very much!!! She didn’t poop out 2 that night. It was one yesterday morning. And then one at night. Sorry for the confusion.


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Recently a few times now. I’ve seen some undigested hornworms in her poop. It is normally not the whole thing. Mainly like it’s head or something. I believe her basking is ok. Is that bad?


Sub-Adult Member
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Recently a few times now. I’ve seen some undigested hornworms in her poop. It is normally not the whole thing. Mainly like it’s head or something. I believe her basking is ok. Is that bad?
Today. She ate some crickets. She also ate 1 medium hornworm. And 7 smallish hornworms. Some of them had vitamins and calcium. She also ate about 8-9 greens with carrot on them. She dug a lot today. She was on and off with how much she wanted food today. She had carrot 3 days in a row. Is it ok to continue to give her carrot? Or would that be too much vitamin a. I could try to give her other foods. But, carrot is her favorite so I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t want other flavors. Thank you!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I'm glad that she is still eating some right now. She has laid another egg?
Carrot is fine, if she likes it. It has natural beta carotene so her body will convert it to usable vitamin A.
Continue with calcium supplementation, 4--5 times weekly since she is laying eggs again.
Keep her well hydrated right now, to help with her hydration status. Let us know how she is doing.



Sub-Adult Member
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I'm glad that she is still eating some right now. She has laid another egg?
Carrot is fine, if she likes it. It has natural beta carotene so her body will convert it to usable vitamin A.
Continue with calcium supplementation, 4--5 times weekly since she is laying eggs again.
Keep her well hydrated right now, to help with her hydration status. Let us know how she is doing.

Ok, thank you very much!!! She just pooped out 2 eggs with urate. That is it so far. I will make sure to give her calcium and try to keep her hydrated.

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