Bearded dragon dug? Is she gravid?


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Hello, my bearded dragon was sitting perfectly still. Then, she started rubbing the side of her head up against the glass. But, she also moved her hand back and forth. Im not sure if it was digging. Could she just have been itching her head or something? Or does it mean she is gravid? I’ve only seen her dig once so far. She wasn’t running around. But, she ran a little this morning. She had eggs in December. Is it too soon for her to have eggs again? I weighed her and in June she weighed 344. Today, she weighed 352-358. So, I’m not sure if that is a big enough amount. I think I did the weight wrong when I got 358. Can someone tell me if they think she is gravid? Or just dug to dig?
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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Technically, they can have multiple clutches only 5-6 weeks apart sometimes. So, if she had a clutch
of eggs in December, then I would say she could definitely have another clutch. The only surefire way
to know for sure, other than her starting to put on weight, change shape a little & digging a lot would be
to get an ultrasound to see if there are follicles forming that aren't shelled yet.



Sub-Adult Member
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Technically, they can have multiple clutches only 5-6 weeks apart sometimes. So, if she had a clutch
of eggs in December, then I would say she could definitely have another clutch. The only surefire way
to know for sure, other than her starting to put on weight, change shape a little & digging a lot would be
to get an ultrasound to see if there are follicles forming that aren't shelled yet.

Ok, thank you very much!! I will keep an eye on her to see if she digs again. I weighed her again today she was 352-358. I’m not sure if that is too much weight in a day or not. I weighed her a few times. I got mostly 356. She pooped twice after I weighed her. So, I wonder if the 4 were from poop.
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Sub-Adult Member
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Ok, thank you very much!! I will keep an eye on her to see if she digs again. I weighed her again today she was 352-358. I’m not sure if that is too much weight in a day or not. I weighed her a few times. I got mostly 356. She pooped twice after I weighed her. So, I wonder if the 4 were from poop.
She ended up shedding on her face. So, I wonder if that raises the possibility that she could have just been itching.

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