bearded dragon depressed and not active anymore

Hi guys looking for some advice for my bearded dragon as i feel i’ve reached the end of what i can do for her: for context roxy is 13 months old. i’ve had her since she was 6 months and the first couple months she was amazing active eating well and then she had a bout of parasites. that was over she was back to herself then she got sick again with a fungal infection in the gut but since that is mostly cleared now she hasn’t been the same. she will hide for days on end if i let her she won’t bask won’t eat much and won’t move from her shady spot. she’s never been much for handling but i’m slowly trying to build it up to give her stimulation. temps are all fine i’ve moved her into a new viv with custom background and everything- pics included. but nothing seems to cheer her up. she’s not skittish but does like tense up when i go to pick her up so i don’t think she likes it she just acts really depressed. she poops every 2 weeks now due to the inactivity. i’m just wt a loss the vet has tried everything and nothing is wrong with her the only thing we haven’t tried is blood tests. anyone have any advice . pick of my set up and if her for reference. she only basks when i move her and won’t stay there long also she isn’t eating much at all no greens and few bugs but not a lot. i’m at a loss as to what else i can do to make her happy

AHBD Sicko
Hi there, it's possible for some dragons to become stressed after having many vet visits and the things like meds. that they don't understand happening to them. Just let her be, she should come out of it O.K

Can you post pics Roxy to show body condition , also of her face + mouth ? A pic of her entite enclosure as well.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Sorry your girl has had such a rough time lately.
Definitely post some pictures of her, along with her tank setup, etc just so we can see her physical
condition & living environment, too. As AHBD stated, sometimes it takes a long time for them to
recover from stressful situations & health issues.


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