beard not eating

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Hi everyone,
My beardie is around 11 months old, he will be a year in January. He has been off food for a couple weeks now. I still offer his worms and fresh greens daily.
He was checked for parasites and did not have them. He hasn't lost any weight. His fat pads are still all there. He looks the exact same as when he was eating.I give him baths and he poops during those. They are very small but look solid, healthy, and a white urate. Temps have been checked, cool side is around 84, and his basking spot is 105 with the area around it being in the 90s. He has the proper UVB lighting inside his cage, it's a ReptiSun 10.0. He gets a CHE at night because our house goes down into the high 50s.
At first, I was thinking brumation due to him being a bit lazy, but he still basks, and when he is done is still on the warm side. There have been no attempts at trying to burrow, hide, or go to the cool side. He is active when we take him out sometimes, and is still very curious when outside of his tank. I occasionally feed him a slurry made out of his greens and switch between calcium and his vitamins. He also accepts water from a dropper.
In all accounts, he is acting like a normal beardie, just a tad lazy, and not eating. I am posting mainly just to check in and gets others thoughts.


Gray-bearded Member
He might just be trying to brumate, or just showing a bit of a tendency toward it, since he seems healthy otherwise. They're all a little different when it comes to brumation. You could try leaving his lights on longer, up to 16 hours a day, and see if that makes a difference. Everything else you're doing sounds good. :)


Juvie Member
Mine has been doing the same thing. I was pretty aggressive about feeding him hornworms and nightcrawlers just to make sure he was staying hydrated. But really he seems to be fine, just slowing down a bit. Mine just went 3 weeks without pooping, but finally did. I think it's largely the time of year.
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