My bearded dragon Pogi is 7 years old and lately he has been keeping one eye closed. We think he has an eye infection. We took him to the vet on 2/24, and they swabbed his eye to send a culture to the lab, but we have yet to hear back from them. The vet prescribed Baytril. We’re supposed to give him an injection every day. They didn’t say he had an infection or respiratory infection so I’m not sure why he is getting such a strong antibiotic. He has 5 injections left and we have been noticing him black bearding and acting lethargic. The vet is closed the next couple of days for “training” and this is the only reptile vet near me. My question is: would it be okay to stop the baytril injections with 5 days left? I know antibiotics need every dose to be effective so I’m not sure what to do.