Hi - so I got my dragon a few months ago now...she seems to have settled in well. She lets me handle her with no signs of fear or aggression, she had been eating both her insects and her salad, gaining weight, being active etc. I had done a faecal test for her a few weeks ago where she had low levels of coccidia which I treated with Toltrazuril and deep cleaned according to instructions. Her poops seem normal, not runny and has been regular.
However over the last week or two she really slowed down her eating...going from being a maniac to not showing any interest in anything I offer her. She hatched on July 21st so only about 3-ish months old - she weighed 151 grams last week and when I weighed her yesterday she was 150 grams. She's been pooping less frequently I'm guessing due to eating less but she still drinks water I put on her nose and does poop (she did yesterday). Some days I can get her to eat 1-3 insects (dubias, morios, or calci worms) and other days she has nothing.
If she wasn't a baby I'd wonder if she was going into Brumation due to it entering winter time here in England. So I'm just a little worried, if this behaviour is normal. I've been able to get her to eat some days and she does still spend time basking on her branch but she puts herself to bed earlier than she had been.
Her cool end (air temp) is usually in the mid 80's and the warm end's air temp is usually the mid 90's with the basking surface temp being between 105-110 degrees using a temp gun. I use a 150w basking bulb as it seemed that the 100w wasn't getting warm enough now that it's winter. I'm also using an Arcadia 24w 14% with the UV rating being between 3-5 on her branch depending on where she sits. I've tried to not change her enclosure since I got her - only adjusting it to make sure she's getting the temps and uv she needs based on the spots she ended up liking to sit on. But I've not changed any of this since the deep clean 3 weeks ago.
Any ideas? How much weight loss would be a cause for concern?
However over the last week or two she really slowed down her eating...going from being a maniac to not showing any interest in anything I offer her. She hatched on July 21st so only about 3-ish months old - she weighed 151 grams last week and when I weighed her yesterday she was 150 grams. She's been pooping less frequently I'm guessing due to eating less but she still drinks water I put on her nose and does poop (she did yesterday). Some days I can get her to eat 1-3 insects (dubias, morios, or calci worms) and other days she has nothing.
If she wasn't a baby I'd wonder if she was going into Brumation due to it entering winter time here in England. So I'm just a little worried, if this behaviour is normal. I've been able to get her to eat some days and she does still spend time basking on her branch but she puts herself to bed earlier than she had been.
Her cool end (air temp) is usually in the mid 80's and the warm end's air temp is usually the mid 90's with the basking surface temp being between 105-110 degrees using a temp gun. I use a 150w basking bulb as it seemed that the 100w wasn't getting warm enough now that it's winter. I'm also using an Arcadia 24w 14% with the UV rating being between 3-5 on her branch depending on where she sits. I've tried to not change her enclosure since I got her - only adjusting it to make sure she's getting the temps and uv she needs based on the spots she ended up liking to sit on. But I've not changed any of this since the deep clean 3 weeks ago.
Any ideas? How much weight loss would be a cause for concern?