Baby beardie not eating

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hello, i just got a baby beardie about 3 weeks ago. he or she really is not eating. The same cricket has been in his tank for days now. I have spinach in there and he is not eating it or the beardie pellets I got from petsmart. All he seems to do is sleep. What can I do to get him to eat? I have tried to hand feed him the crickets but he still will not take them.


Sub-Adult Member
Take the cricket out of his tank. They're carnivorous and can chomp on your baby while he's sleeping. Leaving it in there could be one of the reasons he's not eating because it's stressing him out. They could also be too big, they need to be smaller than the space between their eyes (It's frequently impossible to find them small enough for babies in pet stores, so you may need to order them online. It's usually cheaper anyhow) Spinich is bad for dragons, so good he's not eating it. will help you find veggies that are good for him. Oh, and all three of mine hate dragon pellets, so don't be surprised if he never comes around to them.
If he's sleeping constantly, it's possible your temps aren't high enough.
I suggest you go to the beardie health section, at the top of the forum you will find a thread titled "Important Questions Regarding Bearded Dragon Care". Start YOUR OWN thread answering those questions and we might be able to locate other problems with your husbandry that could be effecting his diet.


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thank you so much for your help. i printed out the food chart so hopefully i can get him something he will eat.


hi, sorry to hear that your baby is not doing well. try puree some veg and see if you can syringe feed him or put drop of food on his nose and see if he licks it off my poor little fella died just last monday, he wasnt eating much either so be careful, the weight just seemed to drop off him very rapidly over the space of a day. also if he is not eating there is a chance that he wont be taking in enough calcium adn he could develop metabolic bone disease(which my little fella had). also be sure to keep bathig himin tepid water for bout 10 mins at a time to help keep him hydrated.


New member
you posted

"That's great that you will be getting a good thermometer, that should make a difference. The UVB that you're using should be 10" away from him, the fluorescents need to be changed every 5 to 6 months as that's when they decline. If you live in the U.S. the best fluorescent you can get is this one and this company is a great place to deal with, have the best prices too: ... -bulb.html With this Repti-Sun, it should be 6 to 8" from your beardie and all fluorescents should be right alongside a white basking bulb. But, if you live in the UK, the Arcadia D3 is a great UVB and even a little stronger than the Repti-Sun 10.0 but make sure to get a fluorescent, not a compact or coil bulb."

what is wrong with coil or compact bulbs?


diamc Sicko
Staff member
Ozzfan666":75a34 said:
you posted

"That's great that you will be getting a good thermometer, that should make a difference. The UVB that you're using should be 10" away from him, the fluorescents need to be changed every 5 to 6 months as that's when they decline. If you live in the U.S. the best fluorescent you can get is this one and this company is a great place to deal with, have the best prices too: ... -bulb.html With this Repti-Sun, it should be 6 to 8" from your beardie and all fluorescents should be right alongside a white basking bulb. But, if you live in the UK, the Arcadia D3 is a great UVB and even a little stronger than the Repti-Sun 10.0 but make sure to get a fluorescent, not a compact or coil bulb."

what is wrong with coil or compact bulbs?Cliff
If you use coils or compacts for long periods of time, your dragon will eventually succumb to metabolic bone disease or have other health problems, long term. They are terrible lights to use & we do not recommend their use causing all kinds of health issues including eye problems, lethargy, even death. Also, a dragon is not getting adequate UVB emissions when using a coil or compact UVB.


New member
If you use coils or compacts for long periods of time, your dragon will eventually succumb to metabolic bone disease or have other health problems, long term. They are terrible lights to use & we do not recommend their use causing all kinds of health issues including eye problems, lethargy, even death. Also, a dragon is not getting adequate UVB emissions when using a coil or compact UVB.

whats the big difference in these 2 if there both florescence?... i'm ju8st mad that i bought a 60 top that uses those bulbs, now i can't use
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