Hi everyone! I’m hoping someone out there can help me. I got my little guy Miko almost 2 weeks ago from PetSmart (yeah…I know not the best) and I started noticing some weird symptoms after a couple of days. Miko was estimated to be between 3-6 months old (baby) and he weights 8 grams. He hasn’t eaten over a week and he isn’t even interested in food when I put it right up to his mouth. Even getting him to open his mouth is pretty hard. He’s also really lethargic and only wants to stay on his basking rock all day. I’ve noticed that he has some weird coughs/wheeze/hiccup/swallow (idk what to call it) which let me to believe it could be a respiratory issue. I took him to the vet 3 days ago and they found parasites in his fecal sample so I was given two medications to give him. They told me he should start feeling better and eating but he still hasn’t eaten. I am going to call the vet again tomorrow. However, he still has his weird clicking cough breathe and today I noticed that his belly feels like it’s all full of air. I voiced my concerns to the vet of a potential R.I but they said that parasites present similar symptoms to that and didn’t check him for an R.I. So I have 4 questions:
1. Do parasites actually cause a weird clicking exhale that happens every minute or so? This little guy is doing it constantly and I notice that it’s bothering him because it quite literally shakes him and wakes him up when he’s trying to sleep. Do parasites also cause his belly to feel like a bag of air?
2. I am currently using Reptisun UVB T5 HO 5.0 22” with hood. The UVB came with the hood when I bought it but I was wondering if it is sufficient enough or if I need to buy a UVB 10.0. I don’t want him to get MBD.
3. Miko hasn’t eaten for a week (besides when the vets syringe fed him) and poops every day consistently. His poop looks relatively normal too even for having parasites. How do beardies still poop if they don’t eat anything? I monitor his food intake pretty closely so I am 99% sure he isn’t eaten anything when I am not around.
4. Does the UVB need to be over his basking rock? It’s not directly over it right now, mostly covering the other half of his enclosure
I hope someone can help and I appreciate you reading my concerns. This is my first Beardie and I’m trying to do my best! Here are some more basic info on his enclosure:
Substrate: newspaper
Basking lamp: Zoo Med basking spot lamp 100 watts with dimmer
40 gallon terrarium
40% humidity (I’ve tried to get it lower with a rice sock, dehumidifier, and have slats in my enclosure (it’s made of a wood/plastic composite) but the lowest it gets is 37%)
Measure temp with infrared temp gun
Cool side temp is 75 F, basking rock is 107 F
1. Do parasites actually cause a weird clicking exhale that happens every minute or so? This little guy is doing it constantly and I notice that it’s bothering him because it quite literally shakes him and wakes him up when he’s trying to sleep. Do parasites also cause his belly to feel like a bag of air?
2. I am currently using Reptisun UVB T5 HO 5.0 22” with hood. The UVB came with the hood when I bought it but I was wondering if it is sufficient enough or if I need to buy a UVB 10.0. I don’t want him to get MBD.
3. Miko hasn’t eaten for a week (besides when the vets syringe fed him) and poops every day consistently. His poop looks relatively normal too even for having parasites. How do beardies still poop if they don’t eat anything? I monitor his food intake pretty closely so I am 99% sure he isn’t eaten anything when I am not around.
4. Does the UVB need to be over his basking rock? It’s not directly over it right now, mostly covering the other half of his enclosure
I hope someone can help and I appreciate you reading my concerns. This is my first Beardie and I’m trying to do my best! Here are some more basic info on his enclosure:
Substrate: newspaper
Basking lamp: Zoo Med basking spot lamp 100 watts with dimmer
40 gallon terrarium
40% humidity (I’ve tried to get it lower with a rice sock, dehumidifier, and have slats in my enclosure (it’s made of a wood/plastic composite) but the lowest it gets is 37%)
Measure temp with infrared temp gun
Cool side temp is 75 F, basking rock is 107 F