Baby Beardie Has Strange Lump On Arm... HELP!!!!

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I haven't even gotten to introduce my new beardie to you all. Her name is Miyagi, and she's about 2-3 months old.

Now, she has a weird lump on her arm between her elbow and wrist. I thought maybe gout, but the vet said it probably wouldn't show at such a young age. So he felt around and said it's not broken, and he couldn't find any punture or wound, so he gave her a Cortizone shot and a week of Baytril. The Baytril didn't do much, so I asked and he gave me another week of it, but it still doesn't seem to be doing any good. I'm supposed to drop her off tonight on my way to work and they will look at her while I'm at work, but it kinda seems like her back opposite foot is now developing a lump. PLUS, today, she refuses to eat (although she is shedding in some places). Idk if these are connected or what. I got her on a Tuesday and the lump on her arm showed up the Sunday after. Her husbandry is all correct. My first baby Yoshi, recently passed, and after cleaning his tank and items, she now uses all his stuff, so I know that isn't an issue. Pictures are below, but here's my questions...

Does this look like possible gout?
Could it be a bite from her petstore tankmates and it's just now showing up?
Could it be fluid build-up and needs to be drained?
Does the back foot look swollen or am I imagining that?

Front left arm...

Back right foot...

Someone please help. After losing Yoshi so suddenly, I can't handle losing Miyagi too, especially if it's something I can actually do something about.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Geez, so there is no evidence of a bite, etc? He couldn't tell if there was an infection at all?
It looks a lot like gout, I hate to say, but without further analysis it is hard to be positive on that. She/he is too small really for a blood test. I wish they could do a tiny blood draw.
Could an x-ray possibly be done, though it doesn't always show tophi (uric acid crystallization) but it is worth a shot.
If they cannot nail down an infection, I hesitate to go further with the Baytril. They could aspirate some fluid from the area & culture it to see if any bacteria came up on the culture.
If nothing comes from that, I would treat for gout. She/he is extremely young for gout. It is a possiblity of a birth/genetic defect from inbreeding, I just am not sure.
I don't think it is a bite just manifesting, especially if no bite marks or punctures were found.
Go ahead & get the fecal done when you can.
Let me know how things are going.



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
If it is a birth defect, wouldn't it have shown up sooner? She holds her arm up like it bothers her, but the back foot seems fine. She doesn't act like it's hurting or anything. How do I treat for gout if they can't do a blood test to know for sure?

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

If the kidneys were not 100% when she was born, it may not show up immediately, no. She looks older than 2-3 months of age though.
Are you going to talk with the vet about the other diagnostic possibilities on testing for gout? I don't think the Baytril should be given long term without confirmation of an infection & even then it is risky long term.
How do her urates look, are they hard or soft, or discolored? Is there a good amount of urates most of the time?
I have an adult male who has gout. He has been on medication for over 2 years now & is doing well.
The thing is, if the swelling continues to get worse, it needs to be diagnosed quickly if she is going to have a chance if she does have gout.



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Ok, so the vet did and xray and it turns out the bone IS broken, and the swelling is a calcium deposit protecting the break so it can heal. Which sad to say, is a relief. So she's off the baytril and the vet said it will heal on its own. As for the other foot, he said to keep an eye on it and let him know if it gets worse. So for now, we are good. :)

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

GREAT news that she only broke her arm!! That sounds terrible, but that is a much better scenario than gout any day.
I am glad that you got an x-ray done, that helped with the diagnosis. :D
Are you going to immobilize the arm? Just make sure that she does not have to climb in order to bask & try to keep her from moving it too much until the swelling goes down.
How is she doing today?



Extreme Poster
oh no im so sorry about yoshi i havent been on in forever and iv missed alot :cry: its good to hear that her arm is just broken and she doesnt have gout


Sub-Adult Member
I agree, this is good news. You know what is wrong, and have a course of action to fix it. :) Keep us updated on little Miyagi!


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Thanx everyone, and Morgan, thank you. I understand being busy. If you wan, you can read Yoshi's necropsy results in his thread. Such a weird situation. :(

Anyway, Miyagi is acting fine. No way to immobilize it really, since she is so little. She's only like, six inches (ish), but she is acting normal and is enjoying some soaks in the tub, so i think that is helping. Her back foot doesn't look any different, so I am thinking it may just be the way it is shaped. LOL

She shed her arm and is eating better now, and actually eating crix, so I think she will be fine. Yoshi was so chill and I'm not use to a tiny baby! She wears me out with all the worrying! LOL

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How is she doing today?
I am glad that Miyagi is doing pretty well. I figured she was too small to immobilize the arm! At least she is acting normal right now & doesn't seem to be in any pain.
Yes, soaking her in the tub is bound to help out a little bit, so you can continue with those soaks if she enjoys them. That is good the back foot has not changed any then. :D

I know, they definitely know exactly how to make us worry though, don't they?
I am glad that she seems to be doing pretty well right now, all things considered.



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Thanx so much! Miyagi is doing great. She has gotten to where she rarely holds her arm up, so i don't think it bothers her much anymore at all. And I'm almost certain that her back foot is just shaped that way cuz it hadn't changed any either. She is a great little baby and LOVES drinking in her bath somuch that I put a shallow dish in her tank and she actually drinks out of it! The doctor says when she gets bigger, her arm will grow into the bump and you won't even be able to see it anymore.
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