Baby Bearded Dragons

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Hey out there!
My house mate and I allowed our male and female dragons to spend some time together. As you can imagine... we had eggs and now we have babies :D
Well we are looking to sell them and we believe we offer them at a good price. The only problem is we aren't certain if shipping them is a good idea so local might be more reasonable.
Well with so far 3 clutches successfully hatching we currently have around 60 babies that need good homes.
As of this date 10 are 7 weeks old; 23 are 4 weeks old; 16 are 2 weeks old and there are more on the way. We will only part with them at a minimum age of 6 weeks and if any professionals out there know any different please do let us know. Including info on possibly shipping.
This has been an amazing experience and we wish to share with the world.
:blob5: :blob8: :blob5: :blob8:


Original Poster
Thank you!
I do have a lot of pictures of them, you know when its your first you go a little picture crazy, but I have absolutely no idea how to post any pictures on a forum as of yet. :(


Hatchling Member
Since this is an ad selling something, it should be in the FOR SALE section and you need to pay the fees to support the forum.

morphmom Addict
The fees aren't much. I think about $5 a month :wink:
Upload your photo's to an image sharing site like photobucket or image shack then copy and paste the image code and that's all. 8)


Original Poster
My biggest apologies if I have posted incorrectly or in an incorrect place. I was also not aware of a fee involved for selling things as I have cruised the for sale ads a million times with no mention of such things. I am very new to forums other than reading for hours and getting no where and I am not very computer savvy for some strange reason even though I have spent years on them.... I really appreciate all knowledge that is passed around on here and since I have had zero responses from posting that I have dragons for sale I realize I have done something wrong or that just plainly no one is interested so I would like to revoke my "Sales Ad" and once again apologize for any wrong I have done here.


Hatchling Member
Well to be fair, you had 0 pictures or prices of how much you were selling them for, I'm sure people would be a little put off to attempt to buy with 0 knowledge
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