Baby bearded dragon being picky??


Beardie name(s)
Hey guys! So I got my beardie about 2 months ago. I’m thinking she is about 3/4 months but I am not 100% sure. She LOVES her greens and eats them every day no problem but is picky when it comes to bugs? Now I am feeding her crickets, wax worms, and the occasional hornworms. Also I’m saying picky but what I mean is that she will go 1-2 days without touching any bugs or only eating a couple. I try to tong feed her and I try to let her hunt but she just acts so uninterested. Then after those 1-2 days she wants to eat so many worms/crickets like I’m starving her! She’s never been super food motivated anyways. I just want to know if anyone has had to deal with this kind of thing? Any advice is great!

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hey guys! So I got my beardie about 2 months ago. I’m thinking she is about 3/4 months but I am not 100% sure. She LOVES her greens and eats them every day no problem but is picky when it comes to bugs? Now I am feeding her crickets, wax worms, and the occasional hornworms. Also I’m saying picky but what I mean is that she will go 1-2 days without touching any bugs or only eating a couple. I try to tong feed her and I try to let her hunt but she just acts so uninterested. Then after those 1-2 days she wants to eat so many worms/crickets like I’m starving her! She’s never been super food motivated anyways. I just want to know if anyone has had to deal with this kind of thing? Any advice is great!
She doesnt like crickets --- please get her over on dubia roaches they are a better feeder anyway -- horn worms are good for a treat and a hydrating worm -- please feed the wax worms sparingly they are really fatty and too many and long term can cause liver damage --


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Ok thank you! I’ve been thinking about trying those but all the ones I’ve came across in the store seem a little too big for her! Are the dubia roaches an ok full time food I’m guessing?

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Ok thank you! I’ve been thinking about trying those but all the ones I’ve came across in the store seem a little too big for her! Are the dubia roaches an ok full time food I’m guessing?

dubias are great staple feeders --- go by the chart on the website for size for them -- no bigger than the space between her eyes--- the BSFL come in small medium and large - at 3 months they can eat the large they are a small larvae and are soft - keep in the dirt they come in - if they turn to flies at any point feed them they are still good --

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