babies.... babies..... baby beardies :)

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Original Poster
hehe yeh me too he/she was one of the first babies out :D
i will try and get some new photos up soon and also have a video of them eating their veggies :D

sadly tho there is some bad news, ive had two little ones that needed force feeding as werent eating anything at all........ one is doing fantastic and today even ate two locusts by herself but sadly the second one didnt pull through and sadly passed away on the 17th july being only 15 days old :cry: at least he/she is no longer suffering.


Sub-Adult Member
How are the babies? The mom(?) reminds me of my little Starkiller(RIP) A couple babies look similar to him too. If I didn't have plans to get into breeding with my next dragon, I would be ALL OVER this clutch. <3

EDIT: Just looked at the pics again... Did you break into my apartment and steal Star for a photoshoot before he passed? Seriously. Looks JUST like him.
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