Average life span when diagnosed with Cryptosporidium


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Beardie name(s)
This may be long since I want to give a history of my boy. To start, I took my boy to the vet today (7/23/24) due to an episode he had on Saturday, three days previously. I say episode because I have no idea what happened. If I can attach videos I’ll put a video of his episode, but essentially my boy is usually very calm and he out of no where started spazzing out and looked so terrified that if I had interacted with him, I think he would’ve bit me because he had his mouth wide open ready to strike. I thought either stroke/seizure or some other neurological thing but I’m not sure.

Anyways I take him to the vet and they aren’t really sure what happened, so they ask to keep for the night to run tests the following day. Well she got the fecal back this evening and called me to let me know that he had Cryptosporidium and that it’s not curable and that she doesn’t know how long he will have to live because all lizards with it are different, but made it sound like no matter what this will eventually be what kills him. They are still going to do blood work and a CT scan if I approve it (I’m questioning since it’s expensive and not guarantee they find anything) to try and find out any neurological problems If he has them since she said the parasite wouldn’t be related to what happened in the video.

As far as the history I wanted to give, I’ll try to make it brief but when he was 9 months old he was the size of a 3 months old, so he’s always seemed to have something. He’s pretty much has always had a battle with parasites his whole life (coccidia and pin worms), a year or two ago I brought him to the vet for his eyes watering when he would focus on food (no diagnosis found) and then five months ago I brought him in for head tremors when focusing on food (also no diagnosis). To now whatever this episode was.

I wanted to give that background in case maybe it has to do with the Cryptosporidium or if it’s for some larger problem he has that we can’t diagnose. But I guess my overall question, how long do dragons usually have to live when they get Cryptosporidium? I’m just so heart broken about this all. Sorry if this post seems all over the place, I’m still processing. Thank you for reading though and please feel free to ask any questions. I’ll also include a video of his head tremors and picture of watery eyes just cuz.

His episode

His watery eyes

I can’t embed the tremors but hoping it attaches. Haven’t used this before


BD.org Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
He looks like he is favoring his ear, I see what looks like flys maybe buzzing around in the video. Is there any chance that maybe something crawled into his ear?


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
He looks like he is favoring his ear, I see what looks like flys maybe buzzing around in the video. Is there any chance that maybe something crawled into his ear?
There were flys in his tank yeah, they keep slipping through the cracks of the doors and I can’t keep them out. As far as if something went into his ear I don’t think so. Something seemed really off with him, like more than just him being scared by something, he wasn’t acting like himself at all and couple hours after this episode he was unresponsive. I think it took two to three hours afterwards for him to start coming too and responding to me.


BD.org Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
There were flys in his tank yeah, they keep slipping through the cracks of the doors and I can’t keep them out. As far as if something went into his ear I don’t think so. Something seemed really off with him, like more than just him being scared by something, he wasn’t acting like himself at all and couple hours after this episode he was unresponsive. I think it took two to three hours afterwards for him to start coming too and responding to me.
I'm not sure what it could be, maybe @Drache613 can offer advice. She is on late nights though.


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Just an update on him, we did blood work on him, everything was normal, CT didn’t pick up anything, however they sedated him to do the CT scan and it’s now been over 24 hours and 4 reversals later and he’s still not really waking up. We aren’t sure what’s happening because they suspect liver problems due to not waking up but his blood work was normal.


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
Just an update on him, we did blood work on him, everything was normal, CT didn’t pick up anything, however they sedated him to do the CT scan and it’s now been over 24 hours and 4 reversals later and he’s still not really waking up. We aren’t sure what’s happening because they suspect liver problems due to not waking up but his blood work was normal.
I hope he is ok. Please keep us updated.


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Beardie name(s)
I hope he is ok. Please keep us updated.
I will. They are going to update me in the morning on how he’s feeling, during the fourth reversal they were able to get him up enough to take repashy and got him on a IV Drip. If he’s not responding much I’m going to go back up there (he’s an hour out from where I live) and see if he’ll respond to me. I’m worried maybe he’s just not used to his surroundings and is just shutting down.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Oh my, I hope he is going to be ok!
Let us know how he is doing. What type of treatment is he on for Cryptosporidium?

I’m having meds shipped to me, it’s called “Paromomycin (as Sulfate) 300 mg/ml” But I’m not sure how often and what not he’ll get it until it arrives in the mail


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
An update, I went to the vet yesterday and visited Anduin. He was acting completely normal and was really active. We decided to bring him home and were given repashy to give him daily to get some more weight on him and a cup so I can ship some fecal to them so we can test it to see if it’s a reptile cryptosporidium he has. As of today, this guy is the most active I’ve seen him in a long time. He is crawling all over the place, trying to climb walls, was really interested in his salad (which he rarely eats) and is all around alert. I’m going to post his discharge letter from the vet to those who are interested but overall I’m happy with his activity. I will post more updates over we get more info from his testing and what not.




BD.org Sicko
Staff member

That is great news to hear he is so active right now. It is very positive that he is eating his salad, too.
I hope he is able to recover fully from this. A lot of them do overcome it, with the right treatment &
nutritional care.
Let us know when he starts the Medication too & how he does on it.
It's a great sign he has such good spirit right now!



BD.org Sicko
How is Anduin doing ? Did he have the tell tale symptoms weight loss [ aside from being stunted when you got him ] of diarrhea and did he ever vomit ?
Just wanted to mention that some transluscent dragons come from inbred stock and are prone to neurological problems and seizures like that.

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Does this look like a healthy beardie
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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The head tilt tho! Aaaahhh

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